You love your toys. You always bring them to our sessions. Snuff phone sex makes me so hot and horny. It cures that torture yearning desire inside of me. This time your tool box includes five rusty old nails, cigarettes, a thick piece of wood, a saw, and a gun. You display all your items in a neat row on your work table. You laugh at me when you see my back arch. Sweat drips down my body and I start shaking. I know how much you love torturing my innocent body. I try to mentally prepare myself for what’s about to come but I know resistance is futile.
You demand that I keep my eyes open the whole time. First, you take the pack of cigarettes. Then you pull one out and slowly light it. I can see the smoke around your face as you take a long draw. I start screaming as you burn my tits with the end of the burning hot cigarette. It hurts so bad, but I know the worst has yet to come. Next you take the wood and lay it under my tits, and nail my nipples straight into the wood. I can see the smile on your face as the pain fills mine. Blood starts rushing down my stomach. I can feel my body getting weak.
I see you take out a shiny pistol. My body starts shaking as I know exactly what you are going to do to me…then you surprise me. You tell me that the pistol only has one bullet in it and for every time it doesn’t go off; you are going to saw off one of my limbs. I start screaming but I know no one is going to come save me. You brace the gun against my forehead. I clutch my eyes close as you pull the trigger. Nothing goes off. You grab the old saw and brutally saw off my left leg, but pain is almost too much to bear. There is blood everywhere. You laugh at my screams.
Still laughing, you pull the trigger again, this time you place the gun on the back of my head. It doesn’t go off. You begin sawing off my right leg. This one takes a little longer- you buckle down to really cut through the bone and tissue. I am soaked in blood and almost about to black out from the pain. Your cock is so hard as you see me crying and screaming in intense pain. You put the trigger against the bottom of my chin. You wait a minute to watch my legless body wiggle helplessly around. You pull the trigger and everything goes dark. I will never know what you did to my lifeless limp body.
Tag: Sadistic phone sex
Tortue Snuff Porn
Snuff Porn With My Pretty Prize
Kali is daddy’s little fuck toy and I know it. When he invited me over to play a game of poker with him and his buddies I jumped at the chance. I need a pretty little victim to star in the snuff porn that I am filming tonight and his little Kali would be perfect for the part . Watching her scurry around like a helpless little victim while they paw at her is making my cunt so fucking wet under the table. I am enjoying the abuse they are inflicting on her more then normal because I know she will be coming home with me and this will all seem like a school yard game when I am done. I wait for her to go to the kitchen to refresh drinks and make my move. Excusing myself to the bathroom I corner her in the kitchen. I propose that she help me cheat so I can win her and take her home with me. Then she won’t have to deal with all her daddy’s drunk buddies. The twinkle of hope that is clear in her eyes as she agrees to this saving grace makes me cum in my panties. If she only knew what was in store for her….this is going to be so easy. It doesn’t take long for me to clean the old coots out with her help and she is all mine. Taking her home I tell her she is going to be the star in a porn film I am making and she is squealing with delight. I put her in a cute little nightey and she lays on the bed. With one hand she pushes the panties to one side, spreading her pussy lips. The other hand is caressing a young nipple through the material as she smiles sweetly for the camera. That is when her co star walks in. Big and black with a bull whip in one hand and chains in the other. The smile fades and the punishment begins as she whimpers. A victim’s fate is always the same, resistance is futile.
An Evil Phone Sex Christmas with a Sadistic Bitch
Evil phone sex is what this sadistic bitch is delivering to naughty boys and girls this Christmas. Instead of Santa, I will be teaming up with Krampus to deliver some well earned torture and death to annoying brats everywhere. I am sure you know some young cunts that you would like to give your cock and maybe a knife to this holiday season? You can be my Krampus. We show up at a naughty girl or boy’s house with torture devices in your red bag instead of toys. I strap a little one down while you fuck away at an ass or cunny. I can slice off little bee sting boobies, clits, dickies and tiny balls while you fuck away in a tight hole. Blood will ooze over your cock like a warm red sea. I can get more violent with a little one too. Annoying little brats, spoiled little bitches and cock teases all deserve pain for Christmas. My sharp blade goes deep in a belly button and cuts up to the breast bone. I stick my hands into the chest cavity and pull out entrails and organs. When you fuck that little cunny or ass your cock will be visible poking in and out of him or her. She will see your cock fucking her soon to be cold pussy. He will see you fucking his dying ass. I can choke them with their intestines. I can asphyxiate them with their own internal organs. I can squeeze the life out of a beating heart with my hands. Or, I can wait till they slowly just slip away from us in agonizing pain.
The possibilities are endless on a taboo phone sex call with a sick bitch like me. I am sure you will prove to be an equally demented accomplice. Let Santa take care of the good boys and girls. We can take of the ones no one will miss much. Merry fucking Christmas.
Dinner Party from Hell
This country is so different from Britain. My parents sent me over when I was very young to attend a great private school. I never made it to school. My host family picked me up from the airport. When they brought me home, they took me to a damp, cold, wet basement. I stayed there for a few years as they “trained” me to be their perfect fuck doll. They would tie me up and whip me until my skin wasn’t white anymore…it was covered in a layer of blood. Sometimes the dad would leave me to sleep in my own blood. Other times he would hose me down with scolding hot water. It made it feel like I was getting lashed all over again.
The first time I was taken upstairs was for my first dinner party. There were six guests, all were wearing black and had smiles on their faces once I appeared. I was completely naked as I was never allowed to wear clothes. The father threw me on the table like a piece of meat. Then he started lighting a candle and each of the guests started burning parts of my body. It was so painful. Father started handing out craving knifes and told everyone to crave their initials into the guestbook. Each guest started craving into me, line by line in my cold skin. I screamed in pain but all they did is laugh. I screamed blood curling screams until the last person was finished taking their turn torturing my young body. Father brought over a large bucket of something…I soon learned it was alcohol! It burned so bad! I couldn’t move from the pain. I tried so hard to stay awake and alert for the next part of the dinner party…but I passed out from severe pain. The last thing I thought was “what more could they do to hurt my innocent body.”
His Dirty Little Secret
He has been one of my favorite accomplices for a long time. We share the same taste for young flesh, We derive the same pleasure from torturing little things. Helpless things, We both love to make them cry and scream and then we enjoy the glazed, far away look that glosses over in their eyes when they finally disconnect and accept that the end is near and the pain isn’t going to go away. I never knew he was holding out on me and found out his secret by accident. It seems he keeps a couple of breeding whores in his basement. They aren’t good for anything but fucking and spitting out little money bags. He has beat them and abused them to the point that if they ever were beautiful, there is no evidence of that now. The little heathens that they spit out fetch a fine price on the black market and he has a hefty little racket going on. Once in a while he will keep a male and have some fun but not often. What a wicked boy to keep such a secret….
Happy Horror Days-Evil Phone Sex
You didn’t expect anything less then a bloody Horror Day Season did you? I didn’t think so. “Tis the season to be an accomplice. To join me on the dark side. To satisfy your deepest fantasies for inflicting pain. To delight in the stiffening of that dick of yours when the screams of terror meet your ears and when the sight of flowing crimson red blood begins to escape the flesh of out victim. Of course it wouldn’t be the season without some good old Horror Day Carols to sing while we plot the evil plans that we are about to make reality. Spreading sorrow and bringing agony to the time of year when every one walks around happy and sharing good cheer is our way of balancing things out in the universe. Join me for evil phone sex and we can sing together.
On the 12th day of Christmas Karma gave to me…
12 death threat letters
11 scary phone calls
10 cut off fingers
9 midnight visits
8 creepy nightmares
7 bloody pictures
6 severed heads
5 bloody panties
4 lacerations
3 decapitations
2 dead bodies
And a corpse hanging from a tree
Dead whores keep better secrets about snuff fantasy porn
It was my worst beating yet, right out of a snuff fantasy porn movie. You punched me hard in the tits, knocking the wind out of me. “Tell me you’re a dumb cunt.” you ordered. “Nothing but a druggie slut.” I slurred the words and that seemed to piss you off more. You loved beating me and nothing I did was ever right. I don’t know why I stayed with you except for the good drugs that you fed me to pimp me out. “Show me your pussy.” I pulled up my skirt to reveal my nasty, bumpy razor-burnt snatch. Blood oozed from around my clitty where I had been fucked raw. A trickle of cum flowed down my thigh, stale and musky. “Look at you, you filthy slut. At least go douche yourself out before your next client.” Your hand shot out, busting my lip. “Please, sir, I apologize.” I lisped between broken lips. “I just need a little candy to get me right.” You shook your head, pulling out the needle. I felt heaven flow into my veins and my pussy got hot. I was ready to fuck again. I knew your dirty little secret too. You only liked to sniff my ripe pussy at the end of my shift when it was still full of fuck sauce. A couple of lines and a whiff of cum and you were jerking furiously, degrading me, pulling my hair. I opened my mouth to catch your load. Deep down I knew you were a cum-slurping fairy faggot, but if I dared speak that truth, I knew I would be dead. Maybe I would be better that way. Then you could rent out my cold dead pussy to all of the freaks who loved necrophilia phone sex and you could have cold leftovers for dinner. As this thought went through my mind, I felt your fist slam into my head and I was out cold.
Ass Rape Porn for Thanksgiving
Ass rape porn is what I got for Thanksgiving. My boys felt like stuffing their mommy full of boy gravy. I had just served the pumpkin pie when my oldest son pushed me down on the table. Slammed my face in a big bowel of mashed potatoes. I could barely breathe. My other boys stripped my clothes off as my oldest son kept me pinned me down. They started shoving turkey legs up my pussy. They sodomized me with kitchen utensils. They even held a knife to my tits threatening to slice and dice them if I resisted. They dumped food all over me. I was informed that since I was a fat whore, I was going to be treated like one. They force fed me food until I puked it up. Then, like a pig I had to lick the regurgitated food off the floor. Once they were done humiliating me they started force fucking my ass which was gaping open from the spatula and gravy spoon.
As they fucked my ass, sometimes two at a time, they continued to force feed me food until I puked. When they were done, they pissed on me to give me something to wash the food down with. I was a hot mess. Food was on the walls and floors, all over my body. Mashed potatoes and gravy matted in my hair. I had stuffing in my cunt. I felt so degraded. I smelled like a toilet. I started to get up to clean the mess in the dining room and myself, when my sons ordered me to push out the stuffing on a plate. I grunted like giving birth and pushed out a glob of stuffing. My next order was to shit out the cum they deposited in my ass on the gravy. I knew were this was going. But before I could eat the boy gravy stuffing, they shoved the plate in my face, once again reminding me that I am nothing but a fuck pig.
Castration Phone Sex Services: Spreading Holiday Cheer One Nut Crack at a Time
Castration phone sex is my Black Friday deal to you. You have a worthless pecker? Maybe a diseased dick or one that just doesn’t work? Too small? Or perhaps you use it for bad instead of good? Maybe you are just a stupid fuck who should not procreate? Or a chronic masturbator that needs temptation removed for him? I really don’t give a fuck what your reasons are; if you want your cock or balls, even both, removed, I will be offering junk removal services all holiday season at bargain prices. Wanna be a eunuch for Christmas? Or maybe you want to give that special lady in your life a present she will really appreciate like your dick in a box literally, or some testicle earrings. Handmade of course. Let’s face it, the lady in your life deserves so much more than what is between your legs so let’s just get rid of it. She will never has to worry about you trying to fuck her again. She forget about your pathetic package forever. Without your junk, she is free to fuck those big dicks; free to have what you have never been able to give her: PLEASURE. If you are single, well there is a reason for that. A pathetically small reason dangling between your legs. Get rid of it professionally, put on some panties and live your life as a silly sissy or something similarly pathetic.
I have my junk removal kit all polished up and ready to use. It is time to spread some holiday cheer to the ladies one nut crack at a time. The only thing roasting over my fire this holiday will be your nuts.
BBC Druggie Slut
My eyes opened to find myself lying on the pavement. Two young studs were watching me as the third was ramming himself furiously into my pussy. I had been walking home tonight when I passed three black dudes on the corner. They were hooting and yelling things about my titties. I was badly in need of a fix and asked them if they had any shit. The big one flashed a gold tooth and said “Follow us.”
He led me to the alley and pulled out a bag. I went limp as the fire flashed into my veins. Mmmm, sweet bliss. “Now, where’s my money, slut? This shit aint free.” I looked up at him like a lost deer, then boom, my face hit the wall. I felt my cheekbone crack and blood spurted from my nose. A strong arm went around my throat, throttling me, and cutting off my air. I fought to live.
Now, they were pounding me harder. Huge black horse cocks filling me with nigga sperm. Each felt bigger than the last. I could take no more as my pussy vibrated. “Fuck me harder. Use me. I’m a dumb cunt. A worthless whore.” I gasped. Another pushed his huge cock into my mouth and I sucked the monster tree trunk, gagging. My mind went back to my first black cock as a young teen. I could hear them laughing as I raised my broken face to look at them. “It was only a dream. A bad dream, druggy whore.” one whispered, slipping that needle into my vein again. I drifted far away from my broken body, lying on the pavement with my skirt pushed up.