Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Victimized and Fucked Hard

Taboo phone sex Geneva purp

It was an vial of vile consequences and I had stumbled upon it by pure accident. Staring at it and contemplating its contents. I thought I had overcome my lust for the white powder that ruled me for so long. I stare at and recall the very words spoken to me, “if I’m unable to overcome my lust for the white powder I will then be endangered upon opening this vile, as it not only contains pharmaceutical grade cocaine but it is laced with an Infectious strain called Anthrax”. This was a test of my strength or rather weakness for the drug that owned me for so long.

It’s hard especially after watching my Master snort a fat line of the pure pharmaceutical cocaine not laced with an infectious and deadly disease. He is always trying to test me and I keep failing. If I fail this test then I am deserving of my demise. Shaking and sweating as I long for my old lover. I long for the taste, warmth and the ecstasy I feel when I snort it. I want it so bad, why the hell did he do this to me?

Ok, so yeah, I dipped into his stash once or twice when I found it yesterday. I had not known he was dealing the shit, and finding it had my mouth watering to taste it. Really, I just wanted a taste, I hadn’t meant to do so much. I certainly had no intention of letting him on to my discovery or desire for the nose candy. This is pure and absolute torture. He is just out right evil to me. 

I was shaking so bad he came in and brought a friend with him. They both did a couple lines right in front of me and then proceeded to lick the knife blade and leaned in to kiss me. Letting me taste it as they took turns fucking me and taunting me. Telling me if I was a good enough fuck to drain their balls well enough they would allow me a little line of the clean stuff. Otherwise I was welcome to the vial of tainted crap, after all how did I know the stash was even safe. Crack hoes always sniff out the shit and do it without even thinking of consequences. As he slammed his cock in me deep and pulled my hair -pulling my face to his- he asked me if I was a crack hoe as he dispelled a fat load of cum deep inside my cunt.

He made me do it.. but I loved it..

Accomplice phone sex Makayla

Today was my first time like this.

He had me tied up.

My hand above my head.

My legs wide open and straight and tied against this thing.. 

My pussy and ass was hanging out.. 

I had a gas mask on. 

It was dark.

I could hear a whimper next to me.

The I felt the tiny hand touch my exposed breast.

I felt his big rough hands guiding that tiny hand around my breast, touching my nipple. Then pinching it. 

Its sent shivers down my body, to my pussy and I was wet. 

He knows that my nipples are my starting point. 

He is guiding these mini hands under his, showing them how to touch my body the way I like it.

Its hard to see out of the damn mask, let alone in the dark. 

I felt their hands work down from my breast to the middle of my chest, down my belly then just above my pussy. 

Then kisses.

Was he making this bratty bitch kiss my pussy?

Ohhh I feel those tiny hands and lips work down my thighs and to my pussy lips.

I feel him spread me open and that min hand enters my pussy. 

Fuck this feels amazing. 

He lets go of my pussy, and that Tiny hand is still inside of me working hard..

I hear a loud scream and what I am assuming a punch.

Her hands stop going as fast as they were, I keep hearing the muffled screams of that tiny fucking brat screaming. 

I can’t stand it. 

I hear another loud punch fallowed by a crunch. 

I hear him pounding what I assume is a almost lifeless body, then he throws her and I hear a whimper as she hits the wall.

I know its my turn. 

He knows only a real woman can make him cum. 

He only unties my legs and turns this table thing up and I’m hanging off .

He pulls up his special chair and pulls me on to him. 

He chokes me I as I tell him those brat whores are worthless.

He only needs mommy’s pussy..

He cums inside me.. 

HE wants me to be a mommy.

I don’t know the person i turn into with him.. 

But I am starting to love her. 


There’s something exhilarating about taking a razor blade to my wrist and slicing through the tender flesh. I fucking love to get off on rough sex. I fucking love self-mutilation because it makes me feel like I’m goddamn invincible. I’m always looking for a fight; tempt me, push me pussies . . . I need a good reason to give this trigger a good squeeze. I especially love torturing others. There’s nothing like the anguished screams of teens to fill a room with angst. Sexual mutilation is my favorite. Nothing beats the sickness. One time, I stitched a bitch’s pussy shut with a rusted sewing needle from my Mom’s old needlepointing kit in the garage. I used thick black yarn and beat her to the brink of death with a brick right in the head. I desperately kicked her ribs in and sewed her up like a puppet. She was so messed up by the time I started closing her holes up. No more dick in that little bitch, let me tell you. That sleazy ass whore wouldn’t be fucking anybody’s boyfriend anytime soon. Especially not MINE. That dumb little skank screamed like a banshee when I stitched her up, but the end result was fucking sick. I love my crazy mind . . . and you will too.

Maybe if I like you, I’ll show you a little bit of my mutilation magic using the slut of your choice. I’ll get a big ole knife or maybe a razor blade fresh from the shower, separated perfectly from the plastic handle and ready to slice deep. Then I’ll take her ass cheeks into my palms and give them a nice squeeze, getting them ready for my fun. We can always fuck her and fill her up with the thick white loads of creamy cum that mark a little whore, but we’ll need lots of spud. Get that hard cock and lube it up with her blood, baby. I’m going to make a nice pretty cut and carve my name . . . this stupid cunt will never forget who owns her ass. 

Hunting with Friends

Evil Phone Sex Reagan

I know she wants to be more sadistic. Dear sweet, stupid Taylor. She has asked many of my sadistic kin, no, begged them, to let her victimize instead of being the victim. All of us had been fucking with Taylor a very long time. She has this barbie doll look to her, that we all hate. She is actually a nice person, unlike us. And she is a fucking pain slut, which works to our advantage. She has “Use and Abuse” tattooed on her fucking cunt for fucks sake! Not really, but all of us had contemplated doing such a thing to her just for fun! We finally got tired of her intensive whining, and made her a deal.

Evil Phone Sex Taylor

Want to be a true sadistic? It was time to get rid of the one thing that held you into this compassionate world. You see, if there is one thing me and my sadistic kin had in common, we had no family. We had nothing to lose. Our families either died at a young age, disowned us, or just plain abused us so bad… that the monster’s they laid inside us, came back to fucking kill them. We were on our own. Loners, drifters, serial killers, torturers, blood lusting whores.. supreme evil, with a contempt for those below us. Taylor agreed, she hated her fucking sister Julie so bad.. and the rest. Well, if she had to choose between the life she needed to live, and the family who did nothing for her.. she chose us. The Sadists. Now knowing that this was no easy task, testing a natural victim, to be a sadistic. I had a few ideas on how to set up a kill scene for Taylor, I consulted with Blaze and Angie.

Blaze is as close to a best friend as I could have. We have done Evil Phone Sex Blazemany unspeakable things together. Blaze loves to make brats cry, as do I. I love how she is such a devious cunt. One night she was babysitting and had me cum over, so I could train this submissive slut, on how to be a true whore. Between the nipple clamps, ice, and fucking my favorite knife.. I had so many good pictures from that night, to remind me just how sadistic my little Blaze could really be! She will be the perfect accomplice to help me train poor dumb Taylor. She liked my ideas, only thing left to do was consult with Angie.

Evil Phone Sex AngieNow Angie lives for the hunt. We are the same in that aspect. I love the chase as much as anyone. Only difference is, I chase with my bare hands. And when I chase, it is usually a NO win situation. I love watching the fear in their eyes when they realize there is no where to go. However, Angie, she uses range weapons. She has miles and miles of property, and she loves the fact that they can see their escape. But you see, Angie is just that good! They wont escape.. ever! She just likes to let them feel they can. Once a year she has a hunt. Even keeps her prey Evil Phone Sex Reaganlocked up for weeks, to make sure the stakes are even. She feeds and keeps their strength up. Silly prey!

This was going to be perfect. Taylor would lure her family up here, to Angie’s land, and up till the very end her family would have no clue just what Taylor had planned. Especially her sister Julie 🙂 Blaze will be helping with the raw torture.. she loves to sexually torture and violate young virgins. And you can never ever forget to film it. The evil little Blaze loves to exploit the younger stupid ones. “There is so much money to be had, so much golden virgin pussy”! I can not even count how many times she has said this. Blaze would definitely be taking good care of our little victim and her family! Ah, and then Angie will grab her gun and bow. No hope for this family Robinson. Such a good clean cut family. And now it will be a clean cut for this good family!

And even though Taylor wanted to make this transition, I really wanted to torture that victim. She actually believes that this will be her last time tied up under our spell? To bad in the end, Taylor will know her place under our thumb. She was such a useful whore.. Lured her family up here just for us! I did tell you she was dumb didn’t I? Her family will get to know it was her to bring them their fate, and poor dumb Taylor will always be our victim! As I have said it before, the fear that you can almost taste – the fear that you can defiantly smell.. thick in the air.. it calms me. I love the hunt!

Evil Phone Sex Taylor

Gothic teen phone sex: Pet Project

Gothic Teen Phone Sex

I had never done this before, and I wasn’t very fond of young people…but…  I decided that the opportunity was too delicious to let slip away.  The young boy that I had previously used as bait, and subsequently planned to kill, was becoming something that I wanted to enjoy a little more.  I had never wanted to be a mother, but the possibilities of having this little demonic cherub to do my beckoning was too alluring to resist.  The way that he squinted up at me, that devilish smile, reminded me of a young boy that I had known when I was a little girl.  And, he had not flinched or panicked when had stabbed the priest; I had relied on the fact that he would startle awake and use the knife.  But, I did not anticipate the way he coldly thrust it into the body.  It was quite impressive for a first stabbing; usually, most people are clumsy, unsure, and messy.  No, this was a clean strike, one that was made with confidence. 

So, after our ordeal, I told him that he could take off the choir uniform; but, he insisted that he kind of liked it.  I could see the evil spinning in his head and I had to smile, too.  “When can we do this again?” he asked me.  Then, before waiting for a reply, he said, “What are we going to do next.”  I could see that being a surrogate keeper and mentor was going to take a lot of time and energy…and patience.  I explained to him that now he needed to return home, to act like normal; to say that he had gotten lost from the park.  I tried to emphasize that there is more to killing than just the act; one must not call attention to one’s self.  “Will you teach me, then?” he asked, eagerly.  I affirmed that I would; but, I said, “You belong to me.  You must always do as I say.”  He took off the choir robe, which I burned later; and, after making sure there was no evidence left behind, I walked home.  I laughed, thinking that I had just picked up a young boy as pet.

Gothic Teen Phone Sexb

Mark of Dusty

I’m so not the girl that looks for a relationship or to be some guys bitch. At the same time I like having my male friends available for me and under my control solely. One night drinking with a few of my guys I was messing around with some tattoo stuff I acquired. In my fucking around I told my guys that I was going to mark them. They were all going to get the mark of the beast that is Dusty. On each of their inner wrists they were getting an horizontal stitches tattoo.

Rape phone sex fantasies Dusty-marked

Just like my own personal harem of men they are marked and owned by me. I have them at my disposal and they love it when I am beating the hell out of some filthy faggot bitch. The poor useless waste of air never knows what they’re in for when they make a move on me. My blood boils when some piece of shit puts their hand on me like they’re worthy of touching me.

My guys know they are extremely lucky that I allow them as part of my inner circle. In fact if they’re lucky to get my mark on them they are lucky to fuck me when I want it. I almost always want a good fucking after I beat and fuck the hell out of some piece of shit son of a bitch. And it’s a beautiful thing when I bash the head in of some bimbo trying to move in on my guys. I must approve of any set of tits that are to come between my guys and me. The bitch has better be worthy and by worthy she has better be able to take a beating from me.


Blasphemy phone sex with Storm

Blasphemy phone sex with StormBlasphemy phone sex is hot with me. I was driving by this big garage sale at a church this weekend. There was a large wooden chair and the second I saw it, I knew I had to have it! It is PERFECT for my dungeon. I walked up to the lady and told her I wanted the chair. She looked at me and said NOTHING here is for you. I was shocked. She asked me to please leave and turned around and walked back into the church. So I followed her. She was going thru a box on a pew. I asked her what her problem was. And she told me that “God may forgive whores like me, but she doesn’t” I know her type. All high and mighty like she is better than everyone else. I looked in my purse and pulled out my big knife. I stabbed her right in the chest. Collapsing her lung. So she couldn’t scream. Then I said FUCK your GOD! She tried to crawl away but that BITCH isn’t going anywhere! I told her that if HER fucking god was watching he would see what a bitch she is. How she passed judgment on me. How she did not offer me his guidance. Or lead me unto his love. How she turned turned me away. How would HER god feel about that. Then I told her she was going to hell. And I would see her there in a few years. And I slit her fucking throat. As I was leaving I asked someone else and bought my new chair. I will think about her the first time I kill someone in it!

Torture Phone Sex with Cassandra: The Fears of a Clown

torture phone sexWhen I was a little girl, I was deathly afraid of clowns. I know it sounds ridiculous. Who is afraid of Bozo the Clown? But you see, my father terrorized me when I lived at home. He wanted his sweet girl scared and dependent on him at all times; so he filled the house with evil looking clowns. They were under my bed, lurking in my closet, hidden throughout the dark corners of the house. He somehow even made them move. In hindsight I know it is foolish, but my therapist said a fear of clowns is a common phobia called Coulrophobia. To this day I am still afraid of clowns. I thought I could trust my therapist with my secrets. I was wrong.

This morning I went for my weekly session with Dr. Sandage and he said he wanted to do some hypnotherapy to regress me back to my younger years in order to help me conquer my fear of clowns. I was listening to the sound of his soothing voice when all of a sudden the lights went off and I felt hands choking me. Then a ball gag was slipped in my mouth and my hands and feet were bound. Dr. Sandage was not alone. When the lights came back on, I was horrified to see a room full of evil looking clowns and my doctor dressed up like Pennywise from the Stephen King movie that made me pee my pants. I started crying and shivering. I was naked in front of my doctor and these evil clowns. I peed on myself in fear. This was not therapy. This was torture. Dr. Pennywise was hooking up electric wires to my breasts and my pussy lips. I couldn’t talk with the ball gag in my mouth. I was covered in red and blue just like a fucking clown.

Dr. Pennywise then started making me look at images of clowns and with every image I felt a shock ravage my body. It was a horrifying pain. This went on for hours. I was being tortured. There was nothing therapeutic about what was being done to me. I could smell my nipples burning from the shock. The smell of my own charred flesh made me vomit. I was forced to swallow my own vomit because of the ball gag. What the fuck kind of treatment was this. I was more horrified with every clown face. I was just getting more afraid. My breasts were turning purple from the constant electrodes. I was close to passing out when I saw this huge cattle prod. I smelled like vomit, pee and singed flesh. I had no fight in me left. I could barely moan. Dr. Pennywise and his evil assistant shoved that cattle prod right up my ass. The pain was excruciating. I started convulsing and foaming at the mouth. They fucked my ass with that cattle prod while making me watch It. By the time it was over, my body felt like jelly. All I could smell was vomit, piss, shit, burning flesh and blood. Oh and cum. I could smell cum because they jacked their dicks all over me, covering me in spunk. I was amazed I was still breathing. My heart rate felt shallow. I heard Dr Pennywise say, “Clean yourself up bitch. Therapy is over.”

He untied me, but he didn’t even give me a towel to clean myself up with. I was a weak hot mess. I did my best to get dressed and get out of that evil chamber, but I fell trying to get out the door from fatigue. Dr. Pennywise and his creepy assistant picked me up and tossed  me like human garbage onto the curb. I heard them say as I laid on the concrete scared and hurt, “Your’re cured whore.” Maybe, but I now have a terrifying fear of doctors.

torture phone sex evil big tits


Blasphemy Phone Sex: At the Altar

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My lover and I were sitting at the diner, drinking coffee, when a young priest approached us.  He ranted about how we were living in sin and how he would pray for us.  I made a mental note of what church he attended; and, my lover shook her head.  She knew I wouldn’t let it go.

Saturday night, before church on Sunday, it was really easy; I snagged a boy from the playground.  And, luckily, he fit into the choirboy uniform that I’d stolen from a costume shop.  It wasn’t completely authentic, but I was happy with it.  Then, I sedated the young boy and drove to the church.  At dusk, it was quite eerie; and, I liked it…that big church building that was more grotesque than anything. 

The priest looked shocked to see me, but I knew that he was alone; I knew his routine by now.  I never leave things up to chance.  I threw the boy down at his feet and his mouth dropped.  “I brought you that sacrificial lamb that you’ve been drooling after,” I said between my teeth.  He shook his head, but he couldn’t avoid my confrontation.  I leaned over the alter and looked him squarely in the eyes.  “I know what you like to do, Father,” I said with a sneer.  “More like wolf,” I laughed.  It was so simple, really: the more that I talked about the young boy’s flesh, the more he looked like a cherub to the priest.  And soon, there the priest was…leaning down over the bate. 

I taunted him and told him to get on with it and defile the lamb.  He balked at first; looking at me with large eyes, he tried to rationalize what he wanted to do.  “Even if you are the Devil, God has sent you…brought him through you.  So, God must want me take this precious boy and show him grace.”  “Why don’t you take that grace out of your pants, Father?” I snickered and walked around the two bodies.  He brushed the little boy’s hair off the face; and, I could tell by the twitching that the boy was waking up.  The priest bent down, shaking, craving the boy’s penis in his mouth.  And, suddenly, the boy shot up, the razor clutched in his hand…and stabbed the priest directly in the throat.  The boy could not have done better if he had aimed.  I watched the boy become covered in blood; and, as the priest took his last gargled, bloody breaths, the boy looked up at me with a smile.  Maybe I had found a kindred spirit, too, I thought.

Blasphemy Phone Sexd

Babysitter phone sex with Blaze

Babysitter phone sex with BlazeBabysitter phone sex is super hot! I normally babysit for younger brats! It makes pimping them out so much easier. But sometimes I have to deal with older sluts. The ones who can talk back and tattle. I have to set it up JUST right. I start off by making sure Mommy and Daddy think of them as little liars. That makes sure it crushes their little spirit. And just in case the little whore tattles  no one will believe her. Then the fun part. Scaring the little slut! I cut her dolls up and leave them all around. I leave a dead kitten in her play house. And hang her teddy bears in her closet! Of course her parents think she is doing it all! I keep up the pressure for a week. Then I go to her parents and tell them I can see how stressed they are. And I just want to help. And I give them a gift certificate to a VERY nice restaurant. Ooh its 45 min away. But how can they pass it up! When the parents pull out of the drive way I set up the video tape. And Let in the guys. They pay MUCH more for the first time. A little virgin is such a good find. I call the new toy up to her room. And the guys jump on her. Ripping her clothes off and making her scream! I do love when they scream! This is going to be one of my best videos ever! She is perfect! A little doll! Her skin is as smooth as silk. She looks like porcelain. I only invited two guys over for her first time. Next week she will take more! I loved how long her little legs looked compared to her body. I wonder if she is gonna be tall. Dan held her legs open and I got a GREAT shot of her tight little pussy before he shoved his dick inside her and gaped it open! The guys each took turns using her over and over! Fucking her little brains out. Just like a little slut deserves!

Babysitter phone sex with Blaze