Snow White is one of my favorite fairy tales. Not because of all the sappy shit. Prince Charming and all that Happily ever after crap, but because of the idea of a huntsman looking to cut the heart out of a fair beauty. I often live out the fantasy my way in my mind. The huntsman would go find Snow with blood on his mind, his cock is hard thinking about the fear on her face when he approaches her, the silver blade glistening in the sun light as he raises it high in the air. He knows that when the blade pierces her skin and the blood spurts out of her chest he will cum hard from delight. However he is in for a surprise, she is ready for him with an evil plan of here own. Her pussy is wet with anticipation. She knows that when he comes for her she will pretend to be helpless and scared. This will be to her advantage and at just the right moment she will sink her blade into his flesh. He comes for her heart, she will leave with his brain. She will surely have a knee buckling orgasm when she peels the hair from his scalp and saws the top of his skull off, pulling the mass of grey matter that thought she was weak, the reason he lost his life in her hands, warm and dripping blood just as her pussy drips cum.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
A Twisted Tale
Yes, Master
The sound of your voice soothes me. When my phone rings, I get wet thinking of the needles and the fire they bring as you slide them in my nipples, one by one. You tell me I am a pathethic whore, as the pain sears through my breasts and takes my breath away. I love being your worthless bitch. You teach me to take the pain and withhold my orgasm until I have your permission.
One, two, three, and then four tiny needles. Left in my nipples as they swell and throb for you. Then its time for my sweet pussy lips. Six more needles you say. My whole bosy trembles as you slide them in each side. The ecstacy of the pain drives me wild, making me sweat like the dirty little pig I am. You insert some fast, some slow, and make me take each one as the worthless waste of space I am.
I play with my burning nipples as you do your deleicate pincushion work on my cunt. I keep my spindly legs open wide for you, just like you taught me, my sweet Master. There is one needle left. It is for my clit, and before inserting it, I watch you run the needle over your tongue. I want your saliva thru my clit and I beg for you to give me the pleasure of the stick. You slowly push the needle through and my vision blurs from the intense pain.
Now I am your pierced little pincushion. What I was born to be. The only thing I am good for. The only time I ever feel pretty. You flick my clit and I beg to be allowed to orgasm for you. Your voice, so soothing and yet cruel, tells me I need to beg more. I would do anything for you, Master, and so I beg as you tell me what a waste of air I am. At last, you say it.. “Cum for me, you little pain slut”, and as the words roll off of your tongue like strange music, I cum for you.
Psycho Movie Serial Killer Wannabe
Last night I went to a midnight showing of the original Halloween. It’s a classic. One of my favorite films. Michael Myers is my hero. Gets to kill annoying people with a big ass knife, always allude capture, some how never get killed. I often fancy myself a psycho movie serial killer like Michael, Jason, Freddy, Chucky or Pinhead. Brutal, evil, cold, invincible. A killing machine who does not worry about that silly thing called guilt. A true sociopath.
There were these two blonde bimbos in front of me that were texting and talking through the movie. I find that annoying. When I asked them politely to shut the fuck up and watch the movie, they got rude with me. I channeled my inner psycho movie serial killer, followed them out when the movie was over. I hide in the shadows, stalked them, watched them, followed them home. Stupid bitches left a window open. Of course I took that as an invitation. I found them laying in bed together. They looked like they passed out. Clothes and makeup still on. This was too easy. But sometimes a quick easy kill like one of my heroes would do, is just good for the soul. I plunged my knife into the heart of bimbo #1 and her eyes opened wide, she took a big gasp, then slumped back down on the bed in a bloody pool. Bimbo #2 never even woke up. Her BFF is being snuffed out right next to her, and her drunk ass is snoring. I slit her worthless throat.
I went over to a chair in the corner, licked the blood of my knife, rubbed the blood on me into my pussy as I masturbated. Then I went home, left with an unquenchable desire to kill again. Yes there was lots of blood, which makes me hot. But they were drunk, oblivious to dying. I get off on the fear, the tears, even the screams and resistance. Where is the challenge if they don’t even realize they are being hunted, stalked and killed? I’m like a vampire, needing to feed. Would you like to be my accomplice? We can find some unsuspecting bitch, hunt her like an animal, kidnap her and torture her for hours, maybe even days, until we decide we are finished with her. Sometimes I feel sorry for my psycho movie serial killers because they play alone.
Home Invasion Phone Sex * Broken Home
We had entered the house around the time when all the lights had gone out. We waited silently for the opportunity to enter the house undetected. When we entered the living room through the veranda window.. it almost seemed too easy. But I guess that’s the way these uppity cunts lived. They liked having their safe bubbles. And it only took one vicious person to burst that. Home invasions always made my pussy so wet. The adrenaline ran through my body and seemed to explode in my sex.
We went through this little middle class house room by room. Setting up the scene. And than it was time to get the masters of the house involved.
He went in the bedroom upon my command and dragged them out. Gun in the wife’s back, knife to the husbands neck. We tied the husband to the chair in the kitchen and my accomplice proceeded to cut off wife’s pajamas. I loved watching him work. He held that knife like it was his offspring.. pushing the tip up to her neck. You could see the flesh almost separate and allow the blade in. He turned and asked hubby if he wanted his wife to die tonight. Crying the husband begged to be let go. We could take his woman, have her as our own, just please leave him be. What a coward.
Little wife started to cry and scream.. begging to not hurt her husband.. She was willing to sacrifice herself for the man she loved. How sweet! My accomplice took her then. Ravished her naked body and violated her cunt. Asking the husband along the way what he could do to his wife. The husband begged and begged .. take her. Take her. I noticed a change in the wife as my accomplice unloaded his dirty hot cum inside of her. She looked him in the eye, and begged him to let her kill the coward.
I started to laugh, she finally realized that her husband would never defend her in her time of need. He would only think of himself! I agreed and that half naked, abused, and violated cunt took a pair of scissors off the table and cut his throat in one swift motion.. “You Coward!” she yelled.
We left her be that night. Broken home, we should be returning soon I thought.
Beg For It
I decided it was time for some anger management. Mom has been pushing me to fuck this one guy and every time I have been there at his place, he has been more then rough. He told me about the many times he has watched his daughter in the shower. He told me one time that he broke into his own house and raped his girl. She to this day has no idea that it was her daddy that broke into their our and shoved his hard cock deep inside of his sweet young little ones cunny. He buried his cock deep inside of her. Filling her up with his seed, hoping and praying he knocked her up so she would have a little one that he could play with as it grew up.
I love men, all men. I don’t care what they do or who they do. But for some reason this man just rubbed me the wrong way, no pun intended. So I made a plan. That I was going to break into his home and give him the same treatment that he gave his little girl. I was going to torture him but I wanted to end him fast. So I decided to bring my pistols just in case I needed them.
When I broke in the front down I heard screams from far away I thought that I had been caught but as I crept up the stairs I could hear a little girl begging for her daddy to stop. I peeked in the door and I seen him fucking her. Had her flipped over and face down, and violating her ass. She was crying and asking him to stop. He told her he was going cum inside of her and was going to do this to her every day until he got her knocked up. I lost it. I took my guns out, one in both hands and started hitting him in the head with them until he fell off her. I was telling her it was going to be okay. She just bundled up on the bed with her knees to her chest crying.
I started kicking him in the face and stomach. I cocked my guns and pointed them at him and told him that today was his last day. He wasn’t going to hurt anyone anymore. I heard his daughter say ‘stop please’. All i could think was are you seriously going to stop me from killing him after what he did to her. Then she begged me to let her do. To let her kill him. That it was her that he had hurt and she wanted to be the one to end him. I gave her one gun and kept one just in case he tried to run or she tried to turn on me. I’d just have to kill them both. She told him to roll over on his back. She started stepping on his dick. And then she stuck the gun in his mouth and told him to suck on it. Kicked him each time he fought it. And then.. She blew his fucking brains out. I might just have myself a new side kick.
My Parents Turn To Die
I woke up to the sound of my mother screaming downstairs. I looked at the clock and it was 3 AM. What the hell was going on? I snuck out of my room and went to the top of the stairs and peered down. I saw my father tied up, his face bloodied, and laying on the floor. His eyes were open and he looked on in horror as you raped my mother right in front of him. She was also bleeding from her mouth and her hair was everywhere. I watched as you fucked her until her ass bled.
She was begging for her life as you grabbed her by the throat with your black gloves on. I realized we were being robbed and I don’t know why, but my pussy was wet from watching you fuck my mother like that. Your cock was huge, and much bigger than my father’s. I mean, its not like I was going to feel bad for my parents. They had been abusing me for years, so its about time they got a taste of their own medicine. At that thought I accidently let out a little giggle. You heard it and immediately stopped, looking around for who had made the sound.
You eyes met mine, and you let go of my mother and raced up the stairs towards me. I couldn’t get back to my room in time and you grabbed me by the hair and dragged me down to where my parents were. My mother had crawled over to my father, trying to comfort him. Blood was everyhwere. You cut my clothes off with a large knife you had and told me that you were going to rape me in front of my parents and then kill us all. I was terrified but I begged you to please listen to me, and tried to explain that I hated my parents anyway. I told you how my daddy fucks me all the time and I hate him, and so he wouldnt even care if you fucked me.
You became furious, and let go of me and headed towards my father with your knife. I jumped up to try to stop you, and you swung around and accused me of lying. I told you, “No I swear he fucks me every night – and my mother knows too – they both deserve to die.” But then I whispered, “But, please, mister, let me kill them?” Tears were in my eyes and you stared me down, afraid to hand over the knife, not sure what to think. You told me to lie down on the floor so you could fuck me, and then I could have the knife to do whatever I wanted to them. I laid down, spread my legs, and took your gorgeous cock inside me.
I looked over at my parents as they watched you fuck me better than they ever had. My father actually looked mad, even through all the blood. That made it that much easier when you were done fucking me, to get up, take the knife,, and slit his fucking throat, while my mother awaited her turn…
I knew that bitch wanted it
I could tell that the little bitch wanted to watch her family die, it was in the way she moved, the way she looked at them, it was in every fiber of her being. If it was this obvious to me just from watching her, how is it possible that her family had no idea? It was long past time for this family to meet their maker so let myself in as soon as the family left for the day. I had the whole day to get the place ready for their return but there was a lot to do so I didn’t waste a second. I had the restraints ready and alarm and phone lines were cut and all the possible escape routes were blocked off, all that was left was to wait. One by one they came home and one by one they were stripped and bound, unable to move or make a sound all they could do was watch as I led each victim in. That bitch was the last to arrive, she didn’t seem surprised to see me, it was like she knew that this day would come. She didn’t protest when I stripped her she just relaxed against me and spread her legs so I could touch her pretty little pussy. She was dripping wet and as I fingered her she whispered please let me kill them. She said she would do anything I wanted, anything at all if only I would let her slaughter them all. How could I resist such a tempting offer? I gave her a knife and set her free and what resulted was a bloodbath of epic proportions, it’s really a shame that I can’t share all the details here…
Someone Has a Lesson to Learn
This stupid bitch really pissed me off when she started running her mouth. She should have learned her lesson the first time I beat the crap out of her and fucked her with my pistol. Yeah, right, a bimbo knows no better and I am going to really teach her this time. My gang, well four of them anyway, and I will be paying her family a little visit tonight.
At a half past midnight we made our move on the house. Slipping in the back door after professionally jimmying the lock we prepared ourselves for gathering the occupants. I went directly to the little sluts room myself. Awakening the floozy I taped her mouth bound her wrists and held my gun to her back as I led her down to the main room where my guys had her family.
Seeing her sister, brother and both parents all bound back to back had her whimpering. The little slut was drug down to watch as we tortured and fucked her family with whatever objects we could find. The whole time blaming her for what they are going through. Explaining to her family how fucking stupid the little wrench is. I walked over to her father ran the blade of my knife gently along his neck as I whispered how I have little remorse for the family of this little whore. I went into how she will be taught a lesson at their expense as the first attempt of beating the crap out of her didn’t work. All the while I crawl on top of her old man and started fucking riding his cock. Making his wife watch as I fucked her husband and to let her see how much he was fucking enjoying my cunt on his dick.
The four guys had her mother bent over a table and they took turns fucking her ass. They took her hard and rough, she fucking liked it. We laughed as we sliced the brother and sisters clothes off. The dumb bitch started begging me, she was sobbing and begging to please let her kill her family to make up for her dumb mouth. I looked at her and laughed. “You’re not getting off that easy sweet pea” I cooed at her.
“You see sweetums, your family doesn’t deserve this, and are suffering for your actions, but that’s just how things work”. I walk around her caressing my knife around her neck as I circled her. “You filthy slut, I am going to let them take their feelings that have been invoked this evening, out on you”. With that I pull her mother up and hand her my knife while my gun is fixed on her. “Go ahead mother, let your dirty slut daughter get what she deserves, you know you’re dying to get your revenge for the shit you’ve gone through tonight, heck all her life she’s brought you grief, go ahead…” With that the mother sank my dagger in her daughter’s chest with all her might. She hit the bullseye, and we all stood there watching the dumb whore bleed out.
Sweet fuck holes
I am here waiting, wanting, needing to be abused. It’s been two days since my last party. I need meat sticks, and a bunch at one time. I am hungry for cum. I need you to throw me on the ground, drunk and not understanding what is even going on, and fuck me till I hurt. Where are you? Cum find me, party with me, and take every one of my sweet fuck holes that you want. Bring all your friends, we will make a party out of it. Bring alcohol, drugs of all kinds. Get me fucked up, and beat up every dripping wet spot I have. I need you to cum take your aggressions out on me with your cock. Please I need to be punished, and you and your friends are the only ones who can do it. We will make a night of fucking, skull fucking, and raw abuse that I crave so much, I even love you to forcefully take my ass. Bring me the pain, and the abuse, and you wont be sorry. I’m a cum slut, and I am waiting for you.
Teeth for Your Collection
You put me on the table, your tools by the side. I was naked and cold and had no idea what type of torture you had in mind for me today. You actually looked me up and down and I don’t think you knew either? I begged you to please kill me, and told you I would do anything to be taken out of my pathetic little whore existance. I told you I am worthless and don’t deserve to live. I begged you to take your scalpel to my throat and snuff me. You just whispered, “all in good time my sweet..”
You ran your hands over my body, almost lovingly. You touched my scarred and blood dried nipples like it was the first time you had seen them. Then you looked in my eyes, and it was the first time you had done it in so long that it sent shivers down my spine. Your eyes are ice blue, and they felt like daggers. I couldn’t look away and couldn’t figure out why you were staring. I didn’t know what else to do, and so I tried to smile at you. My cracked bloody lips seperated and I gave you a meek little smile and just said “please?”
You became furious, and grabbed a pair of pliers from the tool table. You grabbed me by my hair and told me to smile again. I shook my head no, and you slapped me so hard my vision faltered. You growled, “SMILE YOU LITTLE WHORE”, and so I pulled my lips apart and attempted a smile. As my vision cleared, I saw you staring at my teeth. I didn’t dare stop smiling, and you just kept staring. You said “these will be perfect for my collection”. My mind started racing – what would be perfect?? You took the pliers and grabbed one of my teeth and yanked it out of my head! Blood poured down my throat as you laughed like a maniac.
One after another you grabbed and yanked my teeth out, as I choked on my blood and spewed it all over your face. I finally passed out, and woke up in my cage. I ran my tongue inside my mouth and there was nothing there but bloody gums. You took all of my teeth. Now I am even more worthless and ugly and pathethic. Why won’t you just kill me. I don’t understand.