Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Killer Phone Sex Nigger Whore Scene 1

killer phone sex


     Killer phone sex had gotten me here with these dumb fuckers! The world was black and I knew my life was going to end. “Stupid Nigger whore!” “You thought you could get away from us!” I felt my legs being pulled apart and the blunt ax ripping into my pussy lips like a thousand knife blades at once. I knew I was going to die and I knew it would be at the hands of this motherfucker who had tormented me for days. The rotten taste of his cum was on my lips and I saw your bitch ass standing in the corner rubbing your cock. Blood pooled in the corners of my mouth and the echo of the hall deafened my ears from any logic. I know you were going to kill me. Someone had to pay the price for fucking up your heroin connection. That bitch ass husband was going to get away with my murder! Fuck him! Getting involved with a crack addict was going to be the last bad decision I would do. I thought if this mother fucker killed me that would be the end of it. I could just feel the darkness.

     Bending down over me he pinched my tits and knocked them really hard against his hand. Grabbing a nail and hammer I winced as you held me in place. It was time for me to fight to do something to get away but I couldn’t do anything. It was over for me and I knew that. With the last bit of strength I had I kicked for freedom to get away. I saw the raise of the hammer the steel point of the nail in my tits and screamed. I tried holding back I knew that’s what they wanted!  Fuck you nigger! You will get what Nigger Bitches deserve he said as he drove another needle in my flesh.

Torture Sex Devices

torture sex

I was alone in the basement, staring at all of the various torture devices that were all over the basement. I thought to myself which one is the one that is the worst? Floggers, although can deal a very nasty sting when felt across the belly are nothing really. Cages, in any form and shape are very uncomfortable. A great deal of torture can be given through the rungs of cages. Ass cheeks can be penetrated by force the victim can not even collapse down on their belly. ass rape pornHowever cages still are not the worst. I would have to say that neither are racks. Gags can be deadly and dangerous in most forms. Ball gags and gags that prohibit your mouth from breathing cause a heavy risk of choking on your vomit. There does not leave much room for torture when immediate death takes place. So that rules out knife play and guns. Electrical torture is just awful. When my body gets zapped into submission with something like a cattle prod the pain is unbearable. The sharp sting immediately runs over every 

bondage phone sex

part of my body and to the tips of every nerve ending. My skin at the point of impact instantly aches and is raw and sore. The next worst in the large selection of torture devices is a tilt chair and water tank. Not only the stink of water filling your chest burns. The feeling of water coming from my nose as my throat is filled with a hard cock upon surfacing hurts more than anyone could know. The best sexual torture device are ropes. Depending on the texture of the rope depends on the dominates feelings towards their submissive. Master is mad at me and my knots have been made of an awful jute rope that tears at my skin. The way he binds me to use me any way he pleases is almost sensual. He can bind more than just my wrist or breast. And the complexity and detail in his knots keep me secure and in place. I used to look forward to him when he would pull out his nylon rope, and my pussy would become wet with excitement. Now he pulls out the jute rope I live in fear of his sexual torture.

Double the Pleasure

Killer phone sexIt’s a lot harder getting men under the knife, that’s why I have to hunt those pussy whipped little bitch boys out with their skanks. I found the perfect couple who fit that profile. Some scrawny chap somehow lucky enough to land this big titted slut. He was probably rich, but I got them into a side alley to make them fuck for one last time before I could really find out. It didn’t take much for the guy to start crying harder than his whore. The way he was humping that pussy with his dick was just pathetic! So I showed him how to do it with my favorite knife and he was screaming. So I shoved his face into her pussy and made him eat her out even with the wounds I had just given to her. I can’t believe I had to say it more than once. “Eat it! Eat that fucking pussy like you actually know what you’re doing for once in your life!”, I said, and then I just couldn’t take it any more. I finished rubbing my clit while watching their pathetic scene and gut him like he was in a chinese supermarket and just left them there.  

Wanna play with me tonight?

2 girl phone sexIt’s not easy finding a girl who loves receiving and giving all the taboo torture you can think about…luckily you found me. Imagine the pleasure you will get out of watching the life slowly drain from my body, feel my pussy explode all over your cock shoved deep inside of me…only to stop right before it’s too late. I love that shit, and I want more. Surprised? Hmm, let me show you how into this I really am…we just need a dumb, pathetic girl…I’ve got one in mind.  It’s not that hard to pick one up these days either, so when I bring home this innocent looking bitch, its play time. Lacey claims to be so holy, she claims to be so innocent; this fucking cunt even claimed she was a virgin. I don’t believe this whore a bit, and she deserves the ultimate torture that we can deliver. I love when they beg and plead, struggle, cry and scream. It only turns me on more when those bitches cry as they slurp up all my wet juices. She will be degraded; humiliated and forced to feel pain she has never before experienced. And I will make that stupid whore tell us how much she loves it and how she wants to be punished…and oh she will. This is turning me on so much…watching the blood trickle all over her, dirt and cum on her face and in her hair… oh this skank wasn’t lying she really WAS a virgin…past tense now. It was great watching her take her first cock, she bled so much and we made her suck his cock clean of this nasty bitch’s blood. Just wait for the grand finale…when she cums as she watches her life flash before her no longer innocent eyes. But for now, I will play, I will torture, and I will continue to inflict pain until she begs for it all to end…just like they always do. Wanna play with me tonight? 

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Home Invasion Phone Sex Fun

Home Invasion Phone Sex

I have always had this fantasy where I want to break into someone’s house while they are sleeping and sneak into their little brats room. I want to take their little socks and shove them into their mouth and tie their face up with their favorite blanky. They will realize I am in there and start trying to scream while their parents sleep snug in their own bed believing you’re in your own dream land. I cannot wait to listen to the news the next day. “Poor little soul is found dead in her bed this morning after an apparent knife rape to her precious ass hole. Her parents said they did not hear anything as they slept in the next room.” Some fucking parents they are, fucking idiot cock suckers. You would think that you would want to keep a better eye on the little bitch that she wasn’t have unprotected sex with my knifey when she was supposed to be sleeping. Slut

Fallen Angel

snuff phone sex karmaLight emanating from my body, a flowing white gown gently touches the floor. Floating above myself I watch the dark shadow approach, smothering the light. Replacing it with something sinister. Innocents leaves and is replaced with evil. the feeling overtakes me and I hear the whisper in my ear. The voice a low growl, sends shivers of delight up my spine. It leads me from the comfort of my home and out into the chill of the night air. My nipples harden and I can feel the juices dripping down my inner thigh. Blindly I follow the instructions being given. I stop in front of the well manicured yard. The same one that she was in earlier, working hard with her long braids and her tight young body. A vision of that earlier scene appears before me as if in a dream. The longing in my loins is a burning flame building slowly becoming uncontrollable. I feel him walking up behind me and the heat of his breath is on my neck. Every nerve in me is alive with sadistic desire to experience his teen rape fantasy. We move together in unison to commit the act that we both long to have. Peering in her bedroom window we see the pretty pink letters over her bed spelling out her name “BECKA”. By the night lights glow her face is almost angelic as she sleeps. The window is open to the night air and the screen easily slips out. We climb through and approach her bed. Placing my hand over her mouth I hold her down and watch his hands slid up her thighs as she squirms to be free. Her eyes wide as tears slip quietly down her cheeks. My heart beats faster watching him take her. I whisper encouragement telling him it is OK. Guiding him every step of the way as he molests her young underdeveloped body. She is our victim this night. Soon she will be a fallen angel. No longer pure, tainted by our desires and filled with the hot cum of his throbbing cock. We cum together in the dark, breathing heavy and delighting in the pleasure that she brings us. What is taboo to others is so right for us. We are united by a craving so strong that we can’t fight it. Letting go and giving in to the only thing that satisfies our lust….sweet young victims of the night. I wake up in a puddle of cum and know I need more. Won’t you join me? violent phone sex becka

Cassandra’s Hardcore Rape Porn Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasies blonde whore

Have you heard that old saying be careful what you wish for? Ever since I was a little girl and my daddy and his friends violated my ass repeatedly, I have been an anal whore who gets off on rape phone sex fantasies.  Daddy is the reason I am a submissive slut today. I told one of my girlfriends about my hardcore rape porn fantasies. Girls tell each other everything; even our darkest secrets and fantasies. I guess she violated my trust and told her boyfriend about my naughty thoughts.

I was walking home from the club the other night. I got too drunk to drive. Well, too drunk to find my keys is more like it. My friend’s boyfriend Chris saw me teetering on my stripper shoes as I meandered down the sidewalk and offered me a ride home. He didn’t take me to my home, but his. I insisted he take me home, but he got really rough with me. Grabbed me by the hair dragging me up his front stairs. He shoved me inside his front door where I was grabbed by a few other men. I am a dirty slut, but I don’t fuck a friend’s man. Ho’s before bro’s is my motto.

hardcore rape porn fantasies hardcore analHis friends ripped my clothes off despite my kicking and screaming. Guess I was fighting too much so they tied me up. So tight I could feel the rope cutting into my flesh. Despite my pleas, they force fucked my ass and pussy, even skull fucked my face. Their cocks were so hard. I thought I would be wet because of my fantasies, but I was anything but wet. Because my pussy was dry, it felt like my pussy was tearing in two with every thrust. One guy asked if I was a virgin whore because I started bleeding. It hurt so bad I felt like a virgin again. All three took turns dumping cum in one of my fuck holes. I felt violated and ashamed.

After they each shot their seed in me, I thought it was over, that I could go home. Chris had other plans. “So you like to be force fucked do you Cassie,” he said in a creepy tone? His friend came out with a tray of all sorts of ominous objects to violate me with. A baseball bat; a whiskey bottle; a barbell; a lava lamp; a fraternity paddle; even his furry companion. “Let’s see how much you really enjoy those fantasies,” he said with a smirk. They force fucked my ass and cunt with things not meant to be inside a woman like that. My ass and pussy bled like a stuck pig. No lube, no saliva, just hardcore sodomy with huge objects. They laughed and giggled the entire time. I just cried and begged for mercy.

bondage phone sex rape fantasiesFinally, they finished with me. Untied me so I could clean up. It hurt to pee. My pussy was split in two. One of my labia lips was severed. My asshole had prolapsed. I was in gut wrenching pain. They were kind enough  to call me a cab. I crawled into bed. Blood stained my sheets. All I could hear in my head was “be careful what you ask for. It just may come true.”

Torture sex and hardcore rape porn fantasies

torture sexOh my favorite of all… the forced, the unwilling… the hardcore rape porn fantasies. Let’s make that fantasy come true now shall we? There’s no time to waste, she’ll be out of class soon. She is so dumb, always walking alone on these deserted streets almost every night! She won’t be making it home tonight… no she won’t be turning in her homework – ever. This will be easy, I won’t even have to sneak up on her… these girls always think because I’m a female I’m harmless, but we all know it’s quite the contrary. She will only need a whiff of this cloth or maybe I’ll feel more violent and hit her just right on the back of the head. She’ll be down in seconds without any struggle at all. Oh, but she’ll struggle later when she awakes rest assured. She’ll wake up all tied up, naked and completely exposed. She’ll try to scream but I’ve already got something stuffed in there…not your cock just yet. She will begin to cry and pull against her ties but she isn’t going anywhere. This body is so fresh, so innocent and untouched. I’ve landed us a virgin…mmm as rare as a unicorn. It might take some physical force but soon she will be obedient and our dream sex slave. I’ll soon have her begging to be fucked, begging for your cock, begging to cum and begging to taste my pussy. But for now she must be forced. She’ll try to push away as you shove and force your cock into that tight little pussy, she’ll cry as she bleeds, but she won’t be able to resist the way it feels as you fill her all up with your hot sticky cum. And what better way to end this then to have her suck your cock clean of her blood, her cum, and your cum? Ahh yes, and this is just the beginning…

hardcore rape porn fantasies

Torture Sex Perfection

torture sex angieNothing gets my blood running hot as the fires of hell like torture sex. Being the sick and twisted bitch that I am with a heart as black as coal and ice water running through my veins, I have found a way to combine the desire for torture sex with the life of my all time idol. I have always admired Vlad the Impaler. The image of his pale face with his contrasting dark beard and his jet black eyes sends waves of desire coursing through my body straight to my cunt. I have often imagined his clammy touch and rancid breath on my flesh. He was and still is the king of torture and fear. My kind of man….I love that he impaled his victims. Combining his infamous torture methods with my dark sexual desires has been a journey of trial and error, however it is finally perfected!  Finally I have found just the spot to impale someone for maximum pain and the longest survival time. I have also created a wooden pole that is modified with two wedges that keep the body from sliding down with the pull of gravity. Now I can enjoy the hanging body, blood dripping down the pole and pooling at the base, naked and vulnerable and unable to escape the added sexual tortures that I inflict to the erotic sounds of screams as they slowly become horse and raspy cries followed by groans. Finally the mind shuts down and the dull stare precedes the loss of consciousness. Only then do I leave them to recover enough for me to start over again. I give them just enough water to sustain them and no food. I am trying to break my record of keeping one alive for 10 days of endless torture.

So Last Night at the Bar…

2 girl phone sexSo last night I was pretty tired of the typical scene so I go out to the local dive bar. I am sitting there feeling pretty good and I notice this guy checking me out. He was a little to mild for my taste but it had been a slow week and so I thought…what the hell.

I went into the girls room first to do a couple lines and he follows me in! I love a guy who can take charge so I am starting to feel a little better about this guy. That’s when he tells me some story about needing my help with a situation in the back.

Normally I would be bored to tears but he promised me a little nose candy and like I said, it had been a slow week.

So I follow him down a hall to a backroom in the bar where I see this girl laying on a couch. She is being held down by two other guys while she is getting finger fucked by another girl. I had seen her around town before. The guys all said she was a tease because she always wore flirty little skirts and smiled all sweet but she never gave it up. Didn’t look like she had much of a choice tonight!

The two guys saw me standing there and kicked the other bitch to the floor. That is when the guy grabbed me by the hair and yanked my arm behind my back and forced me to my knees in front of the whore on the couch.

I don’t do girls, especially sloppy wet cunts like this one so I was putting up a good fight! The guy back handed me pretty hard and told me that I had better do what they said!

The guy behind me shoved my face into her sloppy wet pussy and held it there until I started to slurp up the mess the other bitch left. They were all laughing and pawing at the girl on the couch, saying that since she would never give it up to a guy, it must be because she liked girls and they were just giving her what she wanted!

The guy behind me handed me a dildo and told me to fuck her the same way he is going to fuck me and then lifted my skirt and slammed his cock in my tight little fuck hole! Normally, I am the victim not the accomplice. And I don’t know if it was her stupid crying or this guy ramming his cock in my cunt, but I was really getting into this! So I shoved that fake fuck stick in her worn out little virgin pussy just the way he was doing it to me!

Eventually, the other slut was to tired to fight so the guys let go of her lifeless body and took turns fucking each of our mouths! That salty cream was so good! Of course the dumb newbie didn’t swallow and was letting it run out of her tired mouth but I wasn’t going to let that yummy juice go to waste, and began to lick it off her chin. It was still just as good second hand!

We stayed in that room most of the night taking turns on the girl and the men taking turns on me. Even the slutty tease started to get into it! Turned out it was a good night after all!