Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Home Invasion Phone Sex Nightmare

home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex was pure fantasy for me until recently. I was asleep soundly, during a summer storm. I sleep right through thunder and lightning. I didn’t even realize that the power was out until a hand was over my mouth. I thought it was one of my Master’s needing some perverse force fuck session, but I quickly realized I had no clue who this man was; I had never seen him before, but he seemed to know me. I am a submissive whore, but I didn’t know how to act with a total stranger. I tried to fight him as he restrained me to my bed. He punched me in the face then used my tits as punching bags.

He shoved my panties in my mouth, then helped himself to my goodie drawer. He showed a dildo up my ass while he punched my “worthless tits” repeatedly until they were black and blue. I was trying not to cry, but I was scared. I had no safe word with this guy. This was not some master and servant game, but an act of random violence. When he forced his cock into my pussy, he put his hands on my throat to choke me. I felt light headed. I started trembling. As he penetrated me bare back, I had fears of pregnancy and STDS. I begged for him not to cum in me, but he insisted he wanted to leave a present in my belly to remember him by.

rape phone sex fantasiesAs he talked about impregnating me, it was obvious this attack was not so random. He knew I was ovulating. He knew my monthly schedule. He knew I was not on any oral contraceptive. He left me tied to my bed while he force fucked me for hours.”I left 4 loads of baby batter in your whore cunt, bitch. I know you will have a permanent reminder of me in 9 months,” he said. I told myself if I ended up pregnant, I could terminate the pregnancy. “Oh bitch, don’t even think of aborting my seed. I will be watching you and if you even think of an abortion, I will gut you like a pig and rip the spawn right out of your whore belly,” he seethed as he carved a W in my belly for whore.

He punched me some more, which got him hard enough to dump another load of batter inside me. He left me tied to the bed. I laid there for almost 24 hours, covered in blood and piss until my friend came looking for me and rescued me. As she helped me into the bathroom to clean up, we saw the note written in my blood on the mirror, “Tell a soul and you die.”

You Lied

You were the one guy I trusted. You promised you would help me get away from him. You told me that he was too cruel and that I deserved better. You made me believe that maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t a worthless fuckpig whore. He had told me that for so long that it took everything in my broken soul to believe you. I was terrified to try to escape him, but you convinced me that you would save me and protect me and treat me gentle.

The night finally came and you came to my room, a trusted servant by my master, to secretly take me away from the nightmare I had been raised in. I saw the passion on your face as you lifted me up and told me it would be okay. I held on tight as you carried me towards the window. I knew your plan was for us to climb out. Suddenly you stopped. You asked me if this is what I really wanted. I said yes. Right at that moment, my bedroom door swung open and there was my Master.

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You dropped me like a ragdoll to the floor. I tried to reach for you but you kicked me away. I didn’t understand what was going on. My Master walked over and grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the bed where he began smacking me relentlessly. You were shouting that I was a lying deceiving ungrateful dirty whore. He began fucking me as you watched. Then I realized – you never cared for me. It was all a test. You showed him I wasn’t broken enough. I really am just a worthless fuckpig. And I knew tonight that I would finally be broken for good.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Mommy is Your Whore

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? When I was a younger mommy, strangers broke into our home. My husband and young brats were restrained and forced to watch as 3 men violated me in my marital bed. They strapped me down to the bed, put a ball gag in my mouth and force fucked me for hours. My family was powerless to assist me. My attackers kept telling them that I was a worthless cunt who deserved to be fucked like an animal. Treated like a dirty whore. One of my assailants wrote whore on my forehead. At one point I had 3 cocks in my ass at once like I was some ass rape porn star. Never had that much dick in my butt at once. It tore my rectum causing me to bleed all over my white sheets. I was crying, but not fighting for fear they would hurt me further, maybe even kill me in front of my boys. After hours of torture sex, I laid on the bed humiliated, bloodied, battered and scared. The masked intruders let the boys go and told them to attack me. “She is a dirty whore who likes it rough. Take your cock tease mommy and put her in her place,” they told my sons. Instead of helping their mommy clean herself up, they violated me all over again. Ever since then, I have been nothing but a fuck slut to my boys. Would you like to attack mommy too?

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Snuff Porn Family Reunion

I love it when a client of mine wants to put together his own little snuff porn with a little girlie he has already picked out. I know that the passion in the taboo phone sex session is going to be so hot and heated that I am going to have to get my cunt off too. When he showed me the picture of the little slut I got really excited. She was cute, tiny framed and blonde. Her little thighs showed the cutest little thigh gap and the way her hips were still thin made you really want to bury your face into that little brats cunt. All I had to do was find the little slut on the street, which I did. She was a little hooker, been that way since her momma sold her she told me. Fuck yea, I was about to end all of her street walked pain. I told her I would pay her double what the peedos were paying for her tiny body to have some snuff  fun. I do not know if it was the money or how naive she was but she was ready to go. 

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I took the little slut back to the warehouse that I was supposed to meet my client at. He gabbed her hands and held onto her. Her eyes welled up as she cried out “Let me go Daddy!” Daddy? that was certainly a surprise to me, but it was too late for her now. I slammed the heavy metal door behind me and locked her little ass inside. She screamed and tried to run away, she said she did not want to fuck her Daddy and that the deal was off. I giggled grabbing a handful of blonde hair and dragging her across the floor back to the feet of her father. She did not have an option, and the only one receiving payment would be me. I took two large fish hooks into my hand and put one in each side of her mouth, making the perfect fuck hole for daddy to start getting hard. She cried as the corners of her mouth started to bleed. 

taboo phone sex

My client loved every second of it though! He grunted as he shoved his cock past her thin lips. He told her that she was a good little whore, just like her crack head mommy. She cried, cheap mascara running down her cheeks. He bent down sliding his cock from her mouth and smiled ear to ear and she braced herself against the concrete floors. He told her to cheer up as she cried begging him to stop, he had a surprise for her which I went and grabbed. Her mother’s severed head was starting to decay in my hand. I loved listening to her scream as I tossed it to her feet. Her Daddy said that was getting him good and horney and pulled her up to force fuck her. She tried to fight free, but I was going to teach her how to work it. Finally I got the go ahead to finish her off and slit her belly open. I reached in and grabbed his cock pulling it into my own pussy, his dying daughters body still on it and rode him till he came! 

SnuffPhoneSex.com Castration Phone Sex Junkie Venus

castration phone sexI’m a castration junkie. I love removing worthless balls. Sometimes, I even take a little extra if you know what I mean! I’ve been schooling other sick bitches in junk removal too. You would be surprised to know just how many women out there literally have their husbands’ balls in a jar next to the bed. Personally, I think castration is the best cure for a cheating husband. No second chances. No therapy. No costly divorce that could leave a woman broke. Just cut their balls off and he will never be a cheating bastard again.

I remove junk for lots of reasons. Some ass hats are too dumb to procreate. Some guys can’t be trusted with their cock and balls. Some think they are god’s gift to women but can’t find a clit with Mapquest. Others have little pinky dicks and I’m helping them make their package look bigger by lobbing off their big hairy testicles. And other dudes are just worthless pieces of shit that don’t deserve pleasure let alone life.

I helped a woman this weekend with junk removal from the ass wipe that put a roofie in her drink last month. She heard of my reputation; hired me to extract a little old school vengeance. I agreed of course. I will remove the whole fucking package for a cocktail. She told me enough about the dude that I knew how to set him up. Met him in a bar, gave him every chance to spike my drink, then switched them when he wasn’t looking so he got the roofie. Why do guys think every chick is a dumb bitch? Well when he woke up strapped to his bed looking at his last victim and the one who just got away, he knew he was the dumb bitch.

snuff porn castrationLilly held up the knife and I stuck a little vibe up his ass to get it hard. He was screaming and pleading and apologizing. Even said he would turn himself into the police. Guys will say anything to keep their junk, then go right back to the behavior that got them in trouble in the first place. “The best way to ensure you won’t force yourself on women again, is permanent junk removal,” I said. Lilly put the serrated blade against the base of his worthless pecker, while I had the jaws of life on his balls to bust them.

With devilish glee, I counted, “1,2, 3.” Then it was total carnage. She sliced his pecker off as I crushed his balls. There was a lot more blood than I imagined. Lilly was in awe, not grossed out one bit. She is a natural. We left him there to bleed. I shoved his cock in his mouth as a special touch. He was clearly married by the pictures adorning his wall. I just did his wife a solid. I am sure she would thank me if she was there. I likely did what she has wanted to for years.

I’m a sick bitch who loves blood. I could blow smoke up your ass and tell you I am some philanthropic bad ass who snuffs, maims and tortures to weed out the fucktards in this world, but the truth is, I love to kill and inflict pain. And, I love to make a buck. So, I will be your twisted accomplice for a simple bourbon on the rocks. Let the games begin.

The One Who Holds The key

TabooPhone SexI was out at a party the other night.

I don’t remember much except I was jonesing on these hot guys at the convenience store. They were getting a shit load of beer and asked if I wanted to join..

Hot guys and free beer, who wouldn’t want to go!

So i remember being there and making out with this guy. He was hot and I could feel how massive his cock was as he pressed against me.

He gave me a little powdered candy appetizer and took me in this dark room and told me to wait for him.

I got undressed and laid down on the bed and I must have passed out!

I kept fading in and out and every time I would start to focus, there was a different  guy fucking me!

At one point I had a cock in every fuck hole I had!

I was getting gang raped in my ass, cunt, and mouth!

I was way too weak to fight back. Not that I would have anyway!

But that’s not the weird part!

When I finally came to, I stumbled to the bathroom to clean up some of this cock snot that was slung all over me and I noticed that I had a few new piercings!

I don’t remember how they got there or who put them there!

When I went out to the other room, the party was over and everyone was gone and the place was a wreck!

The bad thing is….I don’t know who has the key!



The Wedding Night

taboo phone sex chelsea12I don’t think there’s a bigger turn on than a woman who knows her place. I know I’m just white trash. I live in a run-down trailer with my drunk of a BF, Larry. He pimps me out to everyone. Doing drugs keeps me sane. Just a line or two and I would fuck anything with a cock….and I do mean ANYTHING. I will probably be a dirty whore until they carry away my cold, dead body, and even then, he’d probably still be pimpin’ me out.
Lately, his game is to dress me up like a flashy tramp. Short skirt, high heels, thigh high stockings, fake eyelashes, the whole works. He loves to make me up. Sometimes I think he is a fag at heart and that’s why he doesn’t fuck me himself. “Look, bitch.” he said to me. “I need money to pay a gambling debt. Don’t come home until you have $500.”
I admit that made me pretty hot. I thought about the beating I would get if I came home short. I decided the best way to make that much was to get a bachelor party gig.
That’s when I saw you. You are standing all alone, waiting for your wedding day only 12 hours from now. You look drunk and angry. I decide to fuck with you. “Hey, sexy,” I purr. Why don’t we have a wedding recital tonight. You and the wedding party can all line up and fuck me.” I feel your slap come out of nowhere. You hit me hard across the face. “You cunt,” you whisper, “I love my fiance.”
My skin tingles and I am turned on. I look at you with big blue eyes. “Hit me again. Come on. Take it out on me.” You smile cruelly and drag me towards the party room. I feel you rip off my sexy dress, leaving me in my stockings. “Cunt likes abuse.” you say. Someone grabs my arm and I feel liquid gold rush into my veins. The rest is a blur.
I awake to see you standing over me. You are jerking your cock hard and fast. “Filthy whore. Dirty white trash. Harlot. Skank” you whisper as you blast your nutsac onto my prone body.
I look into the mirror. My face is broken. I see a busted lip, black eye, and bruised cheeks from being slapped. I look further down. I have bruises from being kicked. My pussy is sore and my asshole feels like someone shoved a boot up it. Suddenly, I am overcome with need. I stand in front of the mirror and finger my pussy viciously, coming to a screaming orgasm. I see you still standing there, watching. Your slowly begin to clap and throw a wad of money at me. I count it out. $1000. I look up and smile at you.
I know I have you now. You’ll be back for more. Every time you argue with your pretty little wife. Those times when she says no and you are so horny. Your first big fight when you want to knock her teeth down her throat. It’s me you’ll turn to. You know my weakness and I know yours. It’s me who’ll take the abuse meant for her. I’ll get the raging fuck where you choke me and call me names. Your fist will pound me when she wounds your pride. I’m nothing but a punching bag for your rage and I love it. I’m here waiting. honey. Hurry back!!

Taboo Phone Sex Desires Better Explored with Two Submissive Whores


taboo phone sexExploring your darkest taboo phone sex desires is always better with two sluts. Two victims equals twice our pain and double your pleasure. I have a lot of sick Masters, but one in particular gives me chills down my spine. Normally he just abuses me solo, but the other day, he wanted his daughter Macey to watch as he fucked me unconscious. He is training her to be his private fuck slut. When I arrived at the dungeon, Macey was just sitting in her little school girl outfit awaiting my arrival. I think she thought of herself as daddy’s accomplice.

bondage phone sexAfter her daddy had me bound and gagged, he turned his attention to his baby girl. Macey was surprised that her daddy would tie her up like a filthy pig and put nipple weights on her tiny tits. Poor thing thought she was special. All women are worthless cunts. We are here to be fucked and treated like animals. Nothing more. She screamed and cried. Tried to tell him I was the real whore. So naive. That was just going to get her hurt. I guess being a good submissive whore comes with age; Macey had a lot to learn. I think I was there to school her in proper submissive behavior.

ass rape pornHe daddy suspended me by an above beam and fucked the shit out of me. My hands were bound, so were my breasts. I was hogtied and restrained. Macey was strung up spread eagle above us, being forced to watch us fuck while restrained. I could hear her whimpering, but she was no longer screaming and acting like she was special. She was learning. Being a proper fuck pig is a learning curve. With every beating, with every restraint, with every brutal encounter, you learn something; you improve. Master was using me to break his daughter.

rape phone sex fantasiesSuddenly he got more violent with me. Lowered me down and started punching me in the stomach; slapping my face; force fucking my ass with his fist; spitting on me; calling me names; pissing down my throat; burning my nipples; pulling my hair; he even carved whore in my forehead. By this time he had Macey bound and tied to a rod like a pig on a spit roast in front of us. “Learn from Blair you little cunt. She has aged out and I need fresh new meat to abuse,” he said. I felt a sense of relief that Master had grown tired of me, wanted to trade me in for a younger model, but also insulted. A woman is never too old to abuse.

Bagged Pussy

taboo phone sex chelseaEver since I was a little girl, pain and torture have intrigued me. Watching my father beat my mother probably had something to do with it. He would beat her for hours, busting her nose, lips, biting her breasts, and making her scream. Afterward, they would have loud make-up sex. I’d hear her screaming for him to hit her, that she deserved it. They’d fuck so loud that our ratty old trailer would shake. Sometimes I masturbated to the sounds.
By the time I was in my late teens, I, too, had become a victim of violence. My boyfriend was a druggie who would force me to do drugs and then beat me unconscious. I associated brutality with love, for that was all I had known. Just a simple slap or arm twist would make my pussy leak through my panties.
One night, my BF brought this new man home. He told me that I was expected to cater to his whims and do as I was told. He said he was making money and I was a worthless slut who needed to work.
The man, only known as Master D, was a sadistic bastard. He got off on hearing a woman scream and beg. The things he did to me that night are beyond mention. He drugged, gagged, raped, and tortured me. He made me lick his shitty hole and pissed on my face.
My boyfriend stayed quietly in the corner, just out of sight, jerking off as I was demeaned and beaten. I could tell that he enjoyed the show. My pussy started throbbing a bit as he beat welts onto my back. Never before had I felt so alive and turned on. I screamed louder and that seemed to inflame him more.
Finally, Master D was ready to cum. He took a plastic bag, and despite my begging, placed it over my head. “You are a worthless cunt and you deserve to die.” he rasped. My breath was cut short as he tied the bag tightly around my throat. The world was spinning as he slammed his monster cock viciously into me, tearing my flesh. My pussy begin to pulse as my oxygen level dropped. My back arched, my legs kicked.
Without warning, I was wracked by a massive orgasm that made me suck the plastic tighter over my face. At the same time, I felt his beefy cock begin to pulsate deep within me. He roared like an evil beast, pulling his cock from my bloody hole and spewed his load all over the plastic bag. My world went black.
I awoke several hours later to find my boyfriend standing over me. He smiled wickedly, his erect cock in hand, as he gazed upon my broken body.
Now I knew my real worth and I was ready to be the worthless slut, just like my mama.

Clit in a Jar

I woke up this morning still chained to your bed. I thought the last time I closed my eyes was going to be last night. But somehow I am awake. My whole body aches and my pussy feels like its on fire. I know you cut me last night, and I know you intended to kill me. So why did you stop? Just as my thoughts start to clear, you walk in, with your favorite toy – that fishing knife. You ask me how I am feeling after my surgery. Surgery? What surgery?

You laugh at the confused look on my face and then walk over to the side table and pick up a glass jar and show it to me. My eyes have trouble focusing on whatever it is in the jar. Its bloody and looks like some sort of piece of flesh. Its round but the edges are clearly cut and there are strings of blood or something all around it. Even the outside of the jar is smudged with bloody hand prints. Then I remember…

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You took that blade to my pussy last night. You drugged me and told me to enjoy the pain, and that I deserve it. You inserted that knife into my tight cunt, slicing the sides as it went in. The blood began dripping onto the floor. I thought you were going to gut me right there on the bed. But you didn’t. You slowly slid the long thin blade out of my pussy and admired the blood on the shiny silver surface. You put it in my face and made me lick it clean – slicing my tongue in the process. Then back between my legs you went.

You took my clit between two fingers, pinched and pulled it out. With one swift motion, you swiped the blade down and off it came. Blood sprayed everywhere and I was so dizzy I couldn’t even scream. My tiny little pussy destroyed forever. And for all the pain that I got from it, I couldn’t even have an orgasm because you took my button. And there it sat, in that dirty glass jar, forever and ever. A constant reminder of what a useless pain whore I really am.