Tag: Medical fetish phone sex

Castration Phone Sex: Loser

Castration phone sex with Dusty will have your pathetic dick twitching. You’re a sick fuck aren’t you? Your desiring my skill for making your pathetic worthless manhood *if you can call it that* obsolete. I will castrate you and make you nearly bleed out before I allow you medical aid. I am interested to see if I can’t see how long it takes to bleed to death from such a wound. Can you imagine it?

Castration Phone Sex

Your testing me by attempting to be an asshole. Well mother fucker that shit does not fly with this Bad Ass Bitch. I approach your loud pathetic ass at the bar where you just get more obnoxious. My friends all look on in silence, they know me so well.

The cold steel pressed against your scrotum as I have you believing your going to stick that dick inside me. You really think I am going to let you stick that thing in me? I run my blade down your inner thigh and back up the other teasing you as I do so. I feel you getting erect as I push the tip of my stiletto into your ball sack. I caress the flesh as it tightens. Your pushing towards me and I hold my blade perpendicular to your balls. Your hands start groping at my tits, I slide the blade across the base of your scrotum as you let out a scream.

Torture Phone Sex

Smiling at you I hold your dismembered balls in my hand as I hold them over my mouth lapping at the blood. I lean in close and spat it in your face. “You’re a useless piece of shit”, and I toss your testicles at you and walk away.

My Favorite Trophy

torture phone sex lobotomy toolsWhen the old lobotomy tools came up for sale on the auction block I knew I had to have them. From the moment I saw them my cunt started getting wet. With each bid I made I could feel my panties filling up with thick juice . My heart began to race as he tried to out bid me but I wasn’t going to let that happen, not a chance in hell. I had some one waiting for me at home that would be the perfect victim for me to use these old tools on. As soon as I won the bid I had an explosive orgasm on the spot. I know the gentleman next to me knew what happened. My breathing was heavy, my face was flushed and you could smell the cum. He just looked at me and smiled. It seemed like it took forever for the auction to be over so that I could collect my prize and be on my way. I took out the silver metal hammer and rubbed it on my cunt all the way home, making myself cum again. Going to the basement with my prize in my hand I unshakable that little bitch and strapped her to the table, wrists first, then legs, then the strap around her head. Getting undressed I took out the metal implements and rubbed them on my nipples and cunt before beginning the procedure. Placing the pointed metal pick on her eye I began hammering up and into her brain. I was careful to go slowly so that I would hit the right spot and to cause her as much pain as possible. When I finally hammered the pick as far in as it would go I had another orgasm, the hardest one yet. I left her there and went to bed. To my surprise she was still alive in the morning. so I covered her with peanut butter and release my hungry rats to feast on her flesh. I keep her skull with the pick still in it just as it was the night I used it. Each time I look at it I cum again. It is my favorite trophy. Snuff sexMedical fetish phone sex

Whatever You’ve Got

torture sex kaliI was minding my own business on campus a couple days ago. My phone rang and “DADDY” flashed across the screen. “Hi Daddy!” I answered “Hi Princess” he said. He actually sounded sober. “How’s about me and you grab some lunch, a Daddy daughter date?” “I’ve got 40 minutes til my next class” “Sounds perfect. Meet me out front in 6” Sure enough, six minutes later on the dot, Daddy pulled up in his work truck. “Subway okay?” “Sounds great Daddy!” We stopped and went in. Daddy ordered some manly sandwich and I ordered an oven roasted chicken breast with all the vegetables besides jalapenos. I started to order my usual Diet Coke but my dad reached his hand out “Just water for the little lady, please” Weird. Oh well. We ate our meal and caught up. I looked at my phone. “We’ve gotta get back, dad” “Oh, alright” We jumped in the truck and he drove…past the school….to his construction site. Fuck fuck fuck not again. We got out and his buddies rushed me, showering me with kisses and compliments. I acted flattered but was really truly terrified. As I dutifully flirted with the men, I saw one out of the corner of my eye coming up next to me. I felt an agonizing pain in the side of my head and promptly passed out. When I woke up, it was dark. I was in the bed of a truck, and I hurt. Oh my god I hurt so much. My cunny burned, like I’d been fucked hard, and my side ached so much. I put a hand to my side, right above my hip, and raised my hand to my face. Spunk and blood, mixed together in a strawberry cream pie…but why was it coming from there?? I succumbed to the pain again and passed out. I awoke to a man lifting me up and throwing me effortlessly over his shoulder. I smelled Daddy’s familiar scent and asked what was going on, why was there so much blood, why does it hurt so much? He gently laid me down in bed and covered me up. “Daddy and John have a gambling problem, hun” “I know that, Dad. But what…” he nodded to his truck, which we could see from my bedroom window. It was backed up to the window with the tailgate down for ease of getting me out, and it was then that I noticed the cooler. “Good price for human kidneys, Kali” My jaw dropped. “But this wound, daddy. So much…” he laughed “All the men on my crew, their wives are snooty bitches. Don’t put out but for 2 days a year. None of them can resist a good hole when they see it”

Angie’s Dungeon of Pleasure and Pain

domination phone sex orgyOne of my Master’s traded me to a female domme, Mistress Angie. He never told me why, but she showed up and claimed me as her newest bitch. I wasn’t sure about this; I’m accustomed to male masters. She informed me I was going to fit right into her Dungeon of Pleasure and Pain. When I tried to question her she punched me so hard, I was knocked out cold. She transported me to an abandoned building. An old insane asylum she uses for torture sex shows. When I woke up I was in a BDSM outfit . A big guy picked me up off the floor, threw me on a table and started taking my ass. I tried to see what was around me. It was dark, but there were these flashes of light that let me catch a glimpse every now and again of the depravity going on around me.

torture sex snuff mutilationAs my ass was being violated, Angie let me know that things could go two ways for me. I could be part of her pleasure palace where I am fucked for her hardcore bondage and anal torture clients. Or, I could suffer a worst fate. Mutilation, torture sex, and snuff for her more sadistic clientele. The screams I was hearing came from women who were not good fuck pigs, but torture dolls. Women who apparently didn’t know how to survive.  Angie was a sadistic bitch. She had women in various rooms all suffering  genital mutilation and torture while she filmed it. This abandoned building was a warehouse of missing women. Women, like me, who were sold or traded, some even kidnapped. Angie was operating some sort of underground sex fetish hotel . Guys have a selection of woman: women to fuck and play BDSM games with, and women to torture and snuff.

bondage phone sex femdomI am a pain slut, and a good submissive, but some of the things I saw guys paying for sickened me. This was beyond nipple torture and whipping. I saw a guy shoved a live rat up a girl’s cunt and staple her pussy shut. I heard a chainsaw and screams. Anything goes in her dungeon. You can smell the blood and death and fear in the air. I prefer to live. So, I will let men fuck me however they want if it prevents my pussy from being mutilated and keeps me alive.  But if you are looking for whores to torture and kill or just fuck against their wills, she has a wide selection of women available, from teens to grannies.  I’m going to be a good whore so I avoid Angie’s wrath. She said Master spoke highly of my obedience, so if I do well as a fuck pig, I will get promoted to her accomplice. If it is a matter of my life, I will snuff out a slut and enjoy it. Fuck female bonding, it’s all about survival.

torture sex domination

Indigodone HCL

Medical fetish phone sexIn honor of National Pharmacist Day I have decided to turn myself into a drug.  Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Me? A drug? I think so and what is a drug without a commercial. Without further ado I give you Indigodone HCL.

If you have experienced Pissing me off, giving me dirty looks, talking about me behind my back, being a full on cunt, being annoying, being worthless, or I just straight up do not like you for no reason in particular, then you should talk to me about Indigodone HCL. 

When taking Indigodone HCL it is important to know the risks.  Side effects have been reported which include: Sudden onset of stab wounds, burn marks, evisceration, beheading, torture, ligature marks, hemorrhaging from your genital areas, forced penetration, widening of your asshole, widening of your cunt, grotesque mutilation, abuse of a corpse, being brutally violated with something sharp, head injuries, and psychological breaks.  In extreme cases death has occurred…who am I kidding, death always occurs.

In a double blind study where those given Indigodone HCL experienced traumatic deaths.  Those who were given a placebo were grateful to survive.

Do not take Indigodone HCL if you are: Pregnant, planning on becoming Pregnant, ever thought of being Pregnant, sat next to a Pregnant woman on a bus, walked past the Maternity section in a store, or asked someone their due date only to find out that they are not pregnant…awkward.

Indigodone HCL is not available over the counter, or in any store.  If you think you would like to try Indigodone HCL then you are one crazy son of a bitch. 

Venus’s Super Virus to Cleanse the World of Assholes

evil phone sex taboo goth girlEvery day I hear something about some self entitled asshole shooting an innocent person, or taking his family with him because he is too much of a sorry ass loser to just take his own worthless life. I hate people, not all, but most. It’s because most of society thinks the world revolves around them; that they are entitled to shit without working for it; that they can do whatever the fuck they want to whomever they want and the rules don’t apply to them. These are the useless folks I want to snuff out. Hitler was on to something with his gas chambers and ovens to eradicate big groups of people. He just targeted the wrong people.

medical fetish phone sex evil sexSo my evil mind has been thinking up super viruses. Much like Nazi pseudo science, my virus would be torturous and deadly, and designed to eradicate large populations of people, namely worthless pricks and useless cunts, otherwise known as assholes . I have an evil accomplice who is a biologist. We have been playing in his lab, creating the perfect super virus, one that recognizes folks with the “arsehole gene” which leads to the creation of an asshole. Our super virus will only kill folks who carry the arsehole gene. When this virus finds a host  carrying the gene, it will attach itself, mutate and kill. And not kill as in a heart attack, but kill as in completely exterminate. Carriers of the areshole gene will  be infected with a deadly virus that literally eats their bodies from the inside out. Internal organs will eviscerate; skin will turn carcinogenic;  and before long the asshole or future asshole, will be a pile of melted flesh and bones. Because it is a designer virus, it will resemble Ebola or Bird Flu, making it hard for the medical community to recognize that this is a man made virus designed for a sort of ethnic cleansing.

medical fetish phone sex snuffThe only way to ensure the well being of everyone is to rid the world of assholes. If you are an asshole, get your affairs together now, because you won’t be able to hide from my virus. Or just call me and have me snuff you out before hand in a swifter, less agonizing way. If you know an asshole and you need them gone before my super virus is perfected, call me to be your nasty accomplice. Killing assholes is much more fun with a sick twisted bitch. Let’s just say I really enjoy getting rid of garbage.

Castration Phone Sex with Venus: Be Careful What You Ask For

castration phone sex knife playSo I subscribe to all sorts of guns, knives and tactical weapons magazines. Kind of like porn for me. I saw an ad in one of the magazines that sounded too good to be true. Some loser was offering $25,000 to a girl who would castrate him. The only catch was he had to not be aware of when it would happen and it had to look like a random crime. I castrate men for free because it is fun to rid a tool of equipment he can’t operate properly. I sent an inquiry, met with the loser, found out he was legitimate. Even paid me half the money upfront to prove his sincerity.

I stalked him for a few weeks, learning his habits and patterns. He was a hunter, so thought I could castrate his worthless ass in the woods, make it look like one of those crazy animal rights/anti hunting nuts took his pecker. I put on some camouflage gear, brought a few knives and stalked him like he was stalking his prey. My cunt was dripping knowing I was going to take his junk. He was alone too. I pounced on him from a tree; jumped right off a limb like Rambo. He fought and pleaded. Said he changed his mind, wanted to keep his balls; even said I could keep the money he already paid me.

castration phone sex mutilate genitalsI was pissed now. I had spent good time and energy on my plan; I already had the rest of the money spent too. I was not going to let him wuss out of this. I shoved a ball gag in his mouth, tied him up like he would tie up a dead deer, pulled out his pecker, tied it up well to restrict the blood flow and took the whole thing off. Not just the balls as planned, but the entire worthless package. And because he was such an ass trying to change the plan, I shoved his cock and balls in his mouth. I used a small blow torch to cauterize the wound so he would not bleed out. I didn’t want  to kill him. Dead men can’t pay me. But I had no problem snuffing him out if he didn’t pay me the rest of the money he owed me. I made sure he understood that.

After he had his balls and cock shoved in his mouth and the profuse bleeding had stopped, I straddled him and masturbated right in front of him. Told him it made me hot to rid him of his useless pecker and balls. And, it turned me on to know that I was preventing this loser from reproducing further. Stupid fucker. I don’t know what is more stupid, taking an add out to have your balls cut off or thinking someone would not actually do it. When it comes to me boys, be careful what you ask for because you will get it and a whole lot more.

castration phone sex torture revenge

Do Unto Others……

bloody phone sex knife playI know I should feel all jolly and shit as the holidays are approaching. Most folks are feeling good at this time of year, however, I am a bit like the Grinch. I just don’t enjoy all the false sentiment folks spew this time of year. I do, however, like the sentiment “Do unto others as they would do unto you.” And that is just what I did to this mother fucker who ripped out of my hand the last fancy Lego set I was purchasing for my friend’s brat, the only brat I like. His name is Damien too. I hate Walmart; and more than I hate Walmart, I hate Walmart shoppers. This asshole said he needed it for his brat more than I did. Even pushed me to the ground and sprinted through the store to check out.

He clearly did not know who he was fucking with. I waited for him in the parking lot, saw what car he got into then stalked him to a fucking bar and waited patiently until his drunk ass came out. Never underestimate my patience when it comes to revenge. Before he could get to his car, I greeted him with my big ass knife. Pushed him into the alley and asked if he remembered me. He did. But, “yeah you are the stupid cunt from Walmart,” was not the correct answer.  I also had my pliers and my 38 special with me. I held the knife to his neck until he was quivering and pissed his pants. I then asked him if he had ever heard of a little movie called “Marathon Man.”

Of course he had not. Stupid rude mother fucker. Well I introduced him to my favorite scene with a live reenactment. I used those pliers to pull out all his teeth. One by one, slowly, meticulously and very painfully I extracted all his teeth. I had a gun to his worthless cock and balls, a knife to his throat and suggested he be very still and make no sudden movements as my hands were not steady. His mouth was a bloody hollow mess by the time I was done. I even made him hold his own teeth and smile for me after every tooth I extracted. When I was done, I tossed his teeth in the dirty alley, and left him a bloody, pissy, crying mess.

He took something from me, I took something from him.

bloody phone sex self mutilation

Torture Sex with Blair: A Bad Mommy Gets Punished

torture sex bondageDo you enjoy torture sex? My dominant son has been torturing me for years and he gets off knowing I share our sick twisted exploits on phone calls. He said it makes me a victim twice over. A few weeks ago, he found out I had seduced a young boy on the block. I am a hot MILF after all.  Apparently my son installed a nanny cam in my bedroom so he knew all the dirty perverted things I let that much younger man do to me.

My payback for being a dirty whore was to have my holes tortured. My son doesn’t like having a slutty mommy who fucks anyone. I think he just doesn’t like me fucking anyone but him and his friends. As he was binding my limbs, he took a cattle prod to my pussy, electrocuting my clit. He looked me right in the eye as he was singeing  the flesh from my pussy and said, “You are a dirty P-mommy, you deserve pain, not pleasure.” He added, “If you can’t use it properly, you shouldn’t have it.” Then, he held the cattle prod so hard on my worthless clit that it ripped from my pussy. He laughed as I screamed in pain.

torture sex analBlood was running down my thighs as my son flipped me over to expose my worthless ass. He shoved a speculum in my asshole, cranked it wide and spit in it. He knew I let that young boy cum in my tight ass and he was so livid he decided to mutilate my ass too. He lit a Churchill cigar, which is a long son of a bitch, and fucked my ass with it, flicking ashes deep inside me. The embers seared my anus. I didn’t think I could hurt anymore when he took the cattle prod and fucked my ass with it. My rectum was on fire. The pain was agonizing, but I knew I deserved it. I knew I was a worthless dirty perverted mommy that needed punished for corrupting young boys. My son then  fucked my bloody tortured holes. His cum burned my torn and battered fuck holes. He got off so hard hurting me. That’s all that matters.

medical fetish phone sex analWomen like me need strong masters to keep us in our place. I am a torture doll. I need punished daily for I am weak. I fornicate. I have dirty thoughts. I am insolent.  Would you be my Master too?

bondage phone sex whores

Medical Fetish Phone Sex Doll Making

I knew when I saw you get out your medical kit, that it was time to play doctor. Only you don’t know how to play doctor like a good sweet boy. The only way you know how to play is like Dr. Frankenstein. You whistled like a crazy man as you laid out your tools on the table. A hacksaw, needles, rope, tape. Us girls, chained in our cells, couldn’t look away. We knew what you were up to. You were going to use your amateur medical skills to make another freak monster of what you consider the perfect girl.

I remember the last time you played this game. Your medical fetish phone sex had gotten out of control. You went cell to cell, dragging each of us out and chosing which parts of us you liked best. One girl had the best tits, and another the best eyes. Another the best pussy and still another one some nice long legs. You decided you wanted a blonde, and when you approached my cell I was so scared I pissed all over the floor. But you looked at me, up and down, and said I was too ugly, and there was nothing pretty enough about me to work in your new creation.

I was spared because of my lanky legs and mousey hair and small tits. The other girls were not so lucky, and you took each of them kicking and screaming to the operating table. The girl with the beautiful blonde hair was scalped and left to die bleeding on the floor. The one with the nice long legs had them amputated with your chainsaw. She didn’t even survive long enough to watch her legs fall off. Slowly and methodically, you took the pieces you needed from each whore. Enough pieces to make a whole girl. A perfect fuck doll.

Once you had your pile of parts, blood everywhere, you began sewing them together. Shoving the blue eyes in the bloody sockets, and sitching the legs to the body with the perfect pussy. You took your time sewing the tits on, making sure they looked perfect. Your masterpeice came together as a big bloody mess, but was somehow still beautiful. You stood back and admired your work, and then you fucked your new creation while the girls who were still alive watched. I remember feeling ashamed that I wasn’t even good enough to a single piece of what you considered beautiful. As crazy as it sounds, seeing your medical equipment out and ready, I am hoping you see something about me this time that is good enough to use…