Tag: Knife play phone sex

Super Size Fries

Alice 3Before I started babysitting annoying little brats, I worked at a fast food place. Now those of you that have done that type of work can agree about one thing. Your pathetic asshole of a boss that didn’t do shit but bitch about every little thing and told everyone else to take care of it. You know that lazy fat ass that every time you saw them, you wanted to choke them out until they stopped breathing. Then set the entire building on fire and stand outside to watch it burn to the ground. Well, there was one night that is was so slow that my retarded boss sent everyone home so it was just me and him left to close that night. I knew why he just be the two of us. He wanted to get a cheap feel like he always tries to when no would be around. But that night after I took care of the last customer’s order and started shutting everything down, he called me in the back office. He locked the door behind me and ordered me to get down on my knees to suck his dick. I told him to pull it out for me and close his eyes to not watch me. After his tiny dick was out and eyes closed. I pulled out a box cutter while I was starting to jack him off with my hands. I quickly slit his throat as I then cut off his little prick. Then as he was laying there dying, I put his bloody, little prick in his mouth so that I could actually tell him to “Choke on a Dick!” as he died. I thought it would be so hot if I were to cut off his fingers and toes as well. So that I could take all of his fingers, toes, and tiny worthless dick over to the refrigerator to mix them in with the uncooked french fries to be served tomorrow. Shortly after, a customer pulled threw the “Drive-Thru” and wanted to order some combo meals so I asked “Would you like to Super Size your fries?”

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I’ll Make Her Disappear

natasha sexy in black1If this cunt thinks for one second that I’m going to let her continue to live and be a constant inconvenience in my life, she is sadly mistaken.

After so many years of wasting your life with that dried up, old, ugly, fat-ass of a wife, it’s time to cut the fat, so to speak and completely enjoy ourselves and be together.

I have it all planned out too. I use the spare key to your house and while you’re innocently working I’ll make sure today that useless cunt will breathe her last.

Let’s face it, I’m doing not only us but the world a favor killing this bat faced bitch. I almost had to laugh when she saw me standing there in the living room completely nude…… well I’m not going to stain my clothes with this cow’s blood am I? This fucking moron still doesn’t get it; babbling about who was I and how I got in the house. Finally, she notices the long shiny blade in my hand and with that I jumped on her like a tiger and just began stabbing her flabby, pasty carcass. Pissed me off that I had to stab so deep to get through the layers of fat to actually kill this piece of shit.

My favorite part was when I was beating and punching her face to a bloody pulp, I was telling her all about how long we’ve been fucking each other and that you knew all about what was going on and set the whole thing up! Oh my goodness, watching the look of agony, betrayal, fright and helplessness wash over her ugly ass face was priceless.

And finally, straddling her massive frame, I hold the blade up over my head in both hands and tell her as I thrust the knife deep into your barely beating heart that after this that me and you are going to celebrate and fuck and fuck and fuck. Mmm, bye bye you fucking pathetic cow, that was a pleasure…….

Cum PLay With Death

Pandora 1Now I know there are tons of twisted perverts out in this world that would love to get their cocks dirty in some sick pleasures. That would push the blade deeper into the flesh of that pathetic whore until you cum all over her nude body. Call me for the dark desires of Necrophilia phone sex while I cum with you to that type of Taboo phone sex. There is nothing I won’t hold back from the moment we catch her to when we are finished with the lifeless corpse. There is no limits to what we can accomplish together in our demented thoughts. Our victims can be any age, race, size, and height to whatever we are lusting after. In the end it boils down to the same result … explosive cumming death endings. Where we have exploit every craving desire we have with our victims. There is nothing that I will not talk about to make sure that we will both have a happy ending. Ha ha ha ha!

Knife Play Phone Sex While Preping Dinner

hot phonesex angie3When you are a connoisseur of the finer meats in life you find ingenious sources for food and your knives must be in top notch condition for butchering your meat.
Knife play for me has a different fucking meaning then it does for most. I went to a carnival last night and met a healthy looking man that was trying to get out of the bizz. We talked for a long time and I found out he was a loner. No family, no ties to anyone or anything except the carnival. The perfect fucking target for my freezer. I offered him a place and when the carnival closed he gathered his belongings and told his boss he quit.
We went back to my house and I showed him some wonderful hospitality. I fixed him a nice big dinner, which he gobbled up like a man that hadn’t eaten in forever. I let him take a nice hot shower and gave him my warm fluffy robe.
After he got a good nights sleep I decided to have some fun and took out my chains for some kinky, fucking before I snuffed his ass for dinner. I couldn’t think of anything but how he would taste while I sucked his huge cock.
This evening I had my friend come over , the one that helps me butcher my food. We feed our new friend one last meal and then the fun began.
I noticed as we were butchering him that my knives were a little dull so when we were done I ordered a new set. Just looking at the picture on line of the saw and the shiny, sharp blades my cunt began to gush cum.
Then I saw a knife set for the counter, and my twisted sense of humor couldn’t resist.  Only my closest friends will know it’s meaning, It is a little man with knives stuck all in him. I had to have it!
My new knives will be here by next Thursday and then I will go hunt again so that I can play with my new knives while filling my freezer. I think I will plan a dinner party too!

Master Piece

knife play phone sexSometimes I need to blow off steam. Sometimes I do it just for fun. The hunt, the thrill of the catch. The Omnipotent grace that washes over me.  Covers me as their blood covers me.  It is perfection. An art of sculpting with my blade and painting their blood on a clean pure canvas that makes me realize just how perfect life can be. The feel of the cold metal placed in my hands as the warm blood pouring over my instrument. Washes over me as I create my ballad of pleasure and pain. The smell of fear and life fills my senses.  As I  bask in the glory of life as it slips thru my  fingers one cut at a time. The sweet anguish of its cry’s as I empty the vessel of it life force.  And when I am  done I get to look at my  finished master piece and know that I created the single most important even it its life. And no one will ever forget what I have done.  The art I have created with my hands and my knife.

Knife Play with Erotic Accomplice Aria

Aria black latex corset1You never knew what hit you, you stupid bitch when you walked through your door. All at once he grabbed you and pulled you close to him and muffled your pathetic screams with his hand. You saw me waiting for you both in your very own bedroom waiting for the fun to begin. 

Typically, this is when useless little cunts like you begin to cry and beg for us not to hurt you, God no matter how many times I hear them do this it still manages to get my little snatch dripping wet. When he pushes you face down onto your bed, I crawl in next to you with my devilish grin and tell you about the amazing dirty painful hard fucking you’re about to receive. Well…..aren’t you going to thank us, bitch? Hmm, as I pull out my long sharp buck knife I only use on very special occasions like this, your eyes widen and are filled with terror. Oh, now you’re getting with the program, aren’t you sweetheart? I knew you couldn’t be that much a brainless cunt. 

I look over to him and know it’s time, we switch positions and climb on top of you and he pulls your trembling face into his lap. I laugh and tell you that you had better start to suck his cock the way he likes it or this evening to turn really bad for you. He pulls his hard throbbing dick out and forces it to your lips and you gag and choke and finally begin to suck it and take it like the worthless whore you are.

 “I really think this slut is enjoying this,” I say to myself as I’m slicing through your flimsy little skirt and top exposing your leopard print panties and bra.” I knew you were a cheap whore all along.” and In a couple of quick slices you are completely stripped and splayed out, and ready for some fun.

As your busily getting mouth fucked, you feel me glide my cool steel blade down your back over that sweet ass and down your creamy thighs. Such a pretty picture this is and I can’t resist having a nice long lick of your little fuck hole. “My, my, my, your snatch is delicious… don’t mind if I do.” I smile to myself and devour that tight cunt of yours as I fuck you so hard and deep with my expert tongue.

“Oh baby, we’re gonna have so much fun with this one, she may occupy us the whole evening. Let’s see if she can break the record and make it through the entire evening with us, cross your fingers bitch…..oh right never mind.” *giggle*