Tag: Knife play phone sex

A Wickedly Deviant Thanksgiving

This is the time of year when we’re supposed to reflect upon our life and give thanks for all of our blessings…. yeah whatever.

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But, as I look back I am definitely thankful for all the delicious, little gifts that I come across, don’t you agree? We have the good fortune and ability to use all of our twisted, deviant charms on these tiny pieces of flesh.

It’s like a dark, hypnotic dance we do together; luring our doomed, brainless prey into our clutches and waiting for the right moment to pounce.

No matter how many times we’ve set our trap, it never fails to get my heart beating faster, my senses heightened and my smooth, tight little cunt dripping wet. I give thanks for these brainless little wastes of space because their unbelievable stupidity is almost funny if it wasn’t so fucking pathetic!

I am thankful that I have a kindred soul like you who appreciates the abilities we have in each other. My beauty, charm, quick thinking and seductive ways teamed with your intelligence, strength and raw magnetism leaves nothing to chance when it comes to seizing the moment.

You savor every part of it just like I do. Stalking, setting the trap and luring our prey, capturing, torturing and using their perfect mouth watering bodies for our sadistic pleasure.

Nothing is more satisfying than seeing our perfect plans come to fruition. Using their beautiful, young, smooth bodies and taking advantage of every situation we find ourselves in is something I never take for granted.

I must admit that I love showing off for you, letting you see what an invaluable accomplice you have in me. Watching your twisted deviant fuck doll gets your cock rock hard doesn’t it baby? The euphoria overtakes us and we fuck and fuck on top of those lifeless little bodies….giggles.  Oh yes, I’m definitely thankful for so much!

I’m Going to Fuck You Up!

Snuff Phone Sex Ivy

If you even dare to scream, I’ll only cause you much more pain. Don’t bother crying either, matter of fact, cry… cry hard… it’s funny how you were such a big man an hour ago when you tried to fuck me… now I’m going to fuck you!  Get on your knees and beg me not to release the blood from your body and let it flow all over the floor.  It better not touch my stilettos either. Bloody stilettos make me angry, and you don’t want to see me angry. People bleed when I’m livid. Body parts turn black and blue when people make me mad. Keep that in mind. So how do you like to be tortured? I’m sure what ever your poison, I can accommodate. Unless you like to be poisoned, oh the irony right? Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of you.  Defile you until you are begging me to stop. I’ll have you scratching at the door like a pathetic little puppy… don’t run from me now… you want to fuck don’t you? Well, tonight is your lucky night. There will be a lot of fucking going on around here. But whose holes are up for the taking? 

Karma Will Fuck You

torture phonesex karmaHe was so interested in witchcraft. he had to know all bout it and wanted to learn. He wanted me to teach him everything I knew. Poor silly people, they have no clue about witchcraft.
They don’t know how many different kinds of witchcraft there are. They don’t understand that one can practice dark magic, sadistic, evil blood thirsty magic. Full of sacrifice and covens and rituals. They think it is all about pixie dust and fairies.
But he wanted to learn, the poor disillusion fool.
I took him to my place, i made a potion that he drank willingly. It didn’t take long for him to feel it’s effects. and it took me even less time to lay him on my alter and possess him. I took him completely. I kept the best parts of him for my own.
I am sitting here by the fire staring into the eyes that are no longer in his skull. holding the cock that is now skewed on a stick for me to pleasure myself again.
Poor silly man, he gave me his all and I enjoyed taking it.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

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So, do you have a wife or girlfriend that you grown tired of, she just doesn’t thrill you anymore? She’s become more trouble than she’s worth, constantly nagging you and driving you mad. She doesn’t even want to fuck anymore and when she does, it’s the same old boring vanilla sex.

Well, I have the perfect solution to your little predicament. You see, I have a way you can get rid of her and have some sadistic, evil fun with it, are you game? Oh, I knew you would be because I’m going to help you rid yourself of the annoying bitch and make her suffer for causing you all this stress.

One night you’ll come home  and surprised her with your unannounced guest and we’ll have to share with her exactly what we have in store for her. She just can’t quite believe it can she but she will when I walk up to her and punch her so hard in her flabby gut.

I love it when she starts to cry out for you to help her, I can’t help but laugh and tell her as I yank her head back hard that you were the one you planned and set this all up! I want you to sit and watch me beat her to a bloody pulp for starters, she’s so weak and pathetic it’s almost too easy.

As she continues to beg and plead for you to help her, I’m binding her hands together in cuffs and fastening them to the post of the bed. It comes to me as I’m securing her legs, she’s going to have to see for herself that you are a more than willing participant in this torture session.

I’ll happily inform her in great detail what a useless piece of shit she is. There’s no way in hell you can spend the rest of your days with a worthless, disgusting waste of space like her and we’ve decided to have some fun resolving your problem, haven’t we?

As I turn my attentions to you to show her just how serious we are. I kneel before you and pull out your throbbing cock and start to lick and suck on you for her to see. I love that part, giving her a little taste of what real fucking is supposed to be.

And now, the fun begins, well for us anyway. As I lay before her all the instruments of torture that we’ll use on her, her muffled screams get my pussy so fucking wet in anticipation. This is going to be a long, bloody night…….Mmmm can’t hardly wait!

Home Invasion Mutilation

angieWe crept into that fancy ass house. I was hoping for a mommy and daddy and some cute little tidbits to watch the carnage before getting fucked up themselves. But what I got was a lot more fun. There was a mommy and a daddy all right and on little morsel but there was also a young couple living with mommy and daddy till they got on their feet. She was the one that was the most fun. I helped him tie mommy and daddy up and I made the others watch as he made daddy suck his dick till it was hard so he could force it in mommy nice and rough while choking the life out of her. I let him have the little morsel and I had big plans for the star crossed young lovers. I gave her a huge railroad nail that was nice and sharp. I ripped all her clothes off while he watched and handed her the nail. His pain, torture and mutilation would be based on her self mutilation. I wanted her to fuck herself up to save him. Which was never really going to happen, there was no salvation for him. There never is any mercy or salvation once I get started. My accomplice watched the whole thing jerking his dick with his blood covered hands, By the time she was done she was laying in a pool of her own blood, her arms looked like they had been put through a meat grinder. Her young lover had chunks of flesh hanging from his body in various places and he was bleeding all over the floor as well. I told my accomplice to pull her up by her bloody matted hair and hold his knife to her throat, while I held my knife to her young lovers cock and balls. Together we were going to slice as deep as we could, she was lucky she would die quickly but he would have to look at her body jerking and convulsing while he bled to death. I love mutilation especially self mutilation.torture phonesex angie


torture phonesex karma4The night is pitch black except for the glow of the new moon high in the sky. Not one star flickers in the sky and the thrill and anticipation is heavy in the air, looming like the thick fog that surrounds my naked body. I am glistening with a mixture of sweat and dew as the pulse beats hard and steady in my neck.
She is laying there on the alter, eyes staring blindly upwards. I have shaved her head, her arm pits and her sweet little pussy. I was surprised to find that her clit is pierced and has a silver ball through it. I decide to leave it in, I think my lord of evil will be pleased with the ornament.
The moon must rise just a little further so that it is directly center in the dark sky before I begin my decapitation and sacrifice. I speak to her softly and offer her a dip of red wine as I wipe her brow. She has long since stopped fighting and has accepted her fate as inevitable. I thank her once again for her gift and kiss her gently on the lips before raising my machete high into the air. I can’t help but notice as the moon light glistens off the blade before I bring it down to sever the first limb. She lets out a ear piercing scream before loosing consciousness and I cum hard as the blood pours from her body.decap

Don’t Take Candy From Strangers You Stupid Bitch

You’re mesmerized and enchanted by me and my wicked, wicked ways. My unquenchable thirst for those innocent, fresh young ones makes my black heart skip a beat.

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It never ceases to amaze me how absolutely brainless these little fucks really are. Did they never listen to there Mommy when they told them never talk to strangers or trust anyone they’ve never met? Well, their Mommies are probably too busy fucking their boss or looking for a new man to take the place of their useless, dickless husband.

Either way, their stupidity only makes it that much easier for me and proves to me their  pathetic, short life is nothing anyone is going to miss or care about. I just revel in the moment they beg and plead to go home, but oh no little one, our game has just begun…we haven’t even gotten to the “good” part yet!

You weren’t acting so timid and shy earlier, dressed up like a little whore in that tight skirt and low cut top showing off your tiny, perky tits. So delicious, you came with me willingly just hoping to be my little play toy, didn’t you?

Well, we are definitely going to play, that little, tight cunt is so sweet and fresh and I just can’t get enough. And you’re too fucking stupid to realize the terror you’re about to endure. The feel on my tongue licking and sucking on your perfect, pink clit and fingering that tight pussy, you can’t help but start to tingle and drip.

Your body shudders until finally you cum all over my tongue with your deliciously sweet honey. But with such pleasure you should know that pain makes it all the more exciting and intense. Oh well, at least you got to learn this lesson, I mean better late than than never right?

You’ve had your fun you worthless slut, now it’s my turn. The feel of my blade slicing across your milky white flesh makes my pussy ache. Your scarlet red blood flowing, your screams of agony bring me into sensory overload.

Once I’ve begun it’s as if I’m under a spell and nothing can stop me. It just gets me to take it to new heights, how far can I push you and how much can you take? Maybe this new piece of flesh will surprise me, Mmm and I just love surprises.

I Watched Her Go…

torture phonesex karmaHell fucking yes! I have snuffed plenty of fucking bitches but never have I watched a bitch go. I don’t think I have ever been more fucking turned on by anything in my life. Just thinking about it makes me cum over and over again.
The bitch lived in a creepy old fucking house. I had a blast exploring that old fucking place while she was out and I waited for the fun I was going to have with her. I stayed hidden when she came home and fucked myself while I watched her from the closet. If she only knew what was going to happen when the sun went down and the day was over.
She took her shower and laid down in that big old wooden bed, thinking she was safe and sound in her room…NOT BITCH.
I came out of the closet and stood by the bed watching her sleep. My pussy just aching to see the bright red blood on the white sheets as it oozed out of her body.
I put my hand over her mouth and got right up to her face, staring into the wide frightened eyes of hers. My wild eyes meeting her stare as I contemplated if I wanted to make this fast or slow. I so wanted to see and smell and feel the blood.
I couldn’t wait I had to do it, taking out my knife and cumming as it glistened in the moonlight cumming in the window I put it to her throat. I cut that bitches throat so deep that her head was attached by only a mall piece of flesh at the back of her neck. The blood flowing out of her life less body like a river on the white sheets.
I got it all over my hands smelling it, tasting it, rubbing it on my face. But what happened next made me cum harder then I ever have. As I stepped back and admired my handy work I watched her leave her body. It was the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen!
This just gives me one more reason to kill, and that is the hope that I will see this again when I snuff my next victim.

Do It Bitch….

Knife play phone sexSometimes it is not about the sex, or the blood. Sometimes it is all about the control. When I need to feel the ultimate control. Ooh it’s easy to snuff the life out of someone. Easy to use them. But it is so much more thrilling to make someone do something so against their nature. To make someone bend to your will even though it goes against every fiber of their being! I started by wearing all black even a mask. I let her know.. She hasn’t seen my face. So I may let her live. Then I show her all the videos of the torturing and killing I have done. Then explain. I will kill her. Just like the others. I will make her life hell before I snuff her out. OR… She can do what I tell her. And I will let her go. Easy. Of course I tell her to fuck herself with a knife. The fear and repulsion. Her every desire to say no! The ultimate control is making her do it. Without ever touching her. And maybe… just maybe I will let the whore live. But who knows…sometimes it is just as fun making her do it. Then killing her anyhow.

Accomplice Phone Sex With Delicious Natasha

I just love our weekend drives together, seeking out and stalking our prey…there’s just nothing better. The thought of the agony and torture we’re about to inflict upon some unsuspecting innocent makes my pussy begin to drip and ache in anticipation. Together, we are the perfect match in luring these fresh, sweet pieces of flesh.

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I use my looks and charm to flirt and insinuate myself into enticing these tasty treats into doing whatever I say. You have means and muscle to take over and bring our deliciously wicked plan into action. I never grow tired of our twisted little adventures finding just the right one who fits into our plans.

And to our utter pleasure, during our latest outing we spotted the perfect little star for our snuff, fantasy!

You know the type, a needy and untouched young thing on the border from a ittle one to young woman just seeking approval and acceptance wherever she can find it. It’s seems too easy how it plays out, I almost feel bad for the doomed worthless little cunt – No, not really.

After chatting up this brainless, barely legal piece of ass she’s eating up all the attention I’m lavishing on her. When I invite her to my home, she doesn’t hesitate and from that moment on it’s simply a countdown to the endless amount of pain and torture she’s about to be served.

I cherish that moment she realizes that something is really wrong and that life as she knew it was over…Literally! giggle  They always beg for mercy, plead for it and I get off letting these useless twats think that we may just show some compassion and let them go 

But oh no, once we have them they are ours, completely and totally. And when we have finished using their young, tender bodies for our every pleasure, put them through the agony and pain they brought upon themselves, we rid ourselves of them like they never existed at all. Let’s savor every minute of it, I’m ready for our next adventure, are you up for it?