Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Submissive Whore – A Poem

domination phone sexWhen being willing to submit,
And accept what you get,
Leads to desire,
And fans the fire,

When him using the whip,
To make the blood drip,
Makes your pussy gush,
And your heartbeat rush,

When feeling the pain,
From being hit with the cane,
Brings out the lust,
It’s all that you trust

When what you were made for.
When what you adore
Is just to be used
and completely abused

Being bound by leather belts,
So tight they bring up welts,
When being a submissive slave,
Is the life you that you crave,

When he pulls on your hair,
While you are bound to a chair,
You know you’re a slut,
You feel it in your gut.

He puts it deep in your ass,
You are fucked by a toy made of glass,
Not a drop of lubrication,
Still, you love the vibration.

You’ll never be a loving wife,
No, that’s simply not your life,
You are a subby whore,
Down deep within your core.

A Different Kind Of Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phone sex (3)

Accomplice phone sex is different with Daddy…just because I am still his little helpless victim too. He knows it. Knows I am helpless and he can control me in every way, otherwise everyone will know I am a slut. Everyone will know. ..but I’ll do anything for my Daddy. He tells me to get him a friend of mine, to bring her home for him and his friends. We’re both going to be little fuck toys tonight and she’s not ever probably going to make it home and if she does she’ll never tell. Daddy has a way of coming back and back again and scaring on into never telling a soul about all the fucking he does, all the naughty things he does to a girl like me. He likes when I bring my friends to join in on the this, rape phone sex fantasies he has. They never seem to end I’m always Daddy’s little accomplice and victim all in one.

Super Bowl Massacre

goth teen phone sexFootball. Football. I am so fucking sick of the Super Bowl already. Seems like all it does is take the attention away from a Goth Goddess like me. I don’t like being ignored. It brings out my ugly side and you know what happens when my mood is bad.
So, I was thinking about this boring game of chasing a ball. I think I’ll have my own Super Bowl. My game is so much more interesting. I’ll drug and kidnap some sports fans. Bring them out to my personal “field.” “Let’s play a game.” I’ll say. There are no teams. It’s every man for himself. The object is to grab the skull I throw out and make the goal. That’s “fantasy football.” The one who gets sacked is my next victim. I get to tie him to the goalpost while the others watch. I strip him naked. A quick punt to the nutsac leaves him puking. He will hang there, writhing in fear while the game continues.

evil phone sex
The men are scared now, fearing for their lives. It has become a bloodsport and they all want to live. You can smell the testosterone in the air along with the fear. They tear into each other with animal aggression. Using tooth and nail, they fight for the prize, battering each other, stomping on heads and ripping out throats. The blood is flowing into the grass now, making it slick in spots. I tie several more victims to the goal post. Oh, we are gonna have such an interesting halftime show.
It’s halftime and I can hear the moans of the battered men. Hanging limply, most of them need to be put out of their misery. I slit the first one’s throat like a pig. The second one is dead meat with an eye bulging from its socket. Two others are still alive. Time for the show!!! I kick the fat one right in the nuts like I’m going for the extra point after the touchdown. His scrotum explodes with the force, spilling testes and fuckjuice on the ground. My pussy convulses with pleasure. First down, woo-hoo. The second one is quicker and intercepts my pointed boot. I drive again but fumble. He is quick and smart. His defense is a head butt to my face which leaves me bleeding. I lick the blood from my busted lip and he smiles at me. I’ve found my accomplice and MVP. Touchdown!!!
“Hey, you wanna help me go pick up a cheerleader for some post-game fun?” His dark eyes give me my answer. And so we continue to the 3rd Quarter……

bloody phone sex

Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sex

I’ve been missing for two weeks since these men snatched my little whore ass up. I have been in their basement this whole time. They all whore black masks that covered their faces. I was tied to a table that was covered in my blood since they kept hacking away at my skin. These men were ready to see my body lifeless. I cried for help asking them to release me- and instead I was stripped naked, bruised, and battered. They used sharp tools to torture me in different ways. They fucked my holes and filled them with cum while one of them cut my nipples then burned them with metal. Others penetrated my cunt with scissors seeing what they could snip. My ass hole was fucked with a sharp objects until I bled non stop. My throat was fucked by each of men and then shortly after all my teeth were pulled out to gum them with my mouth. They laughed as they used a scalpel to rip out my clit telling me there is no enjoyment in being a whore. Right when I thought they were going to kill me by slitting my throat I  then awoke- only to find my stupid pathetic whore ass by a ditch.

Cannibalism Phone Sex

There aren’t a lot of things that can compare to the excitement of cannibalism phone sex. Hearing about how you want to cook my flesh for dinner makes me really hot. When you call in and you tell me you want to snuff me then eat my body. I know what you think of me. You think I’m a worthless piece of meat and I love every bit of it. I cling on to your every word. I want to be trapped in your dungeon room without any water or food. I want to suffer and be torture for weeks on end until you are hungry for me.

My body is going to be covered in harsh blood red marks from the lashings. I want the whip to have pieces of skin left on it. Or maybe you will use a bull hook and I’ll have deep hole wounds in my skin. I’m going to scream and beg, but that is just going to get you going more. Your cock is going to fill my throat up as I beg for air while you skull fuck me. After your done fucking my throat, you throw me on the ground and kick my stomach. You make sure to break several ribs.

I’m lying there in pain but I know it’s nowhere near the end. You suspend me in the air and begin to cut each limb off one by one throwing it on the grill. Blood is everywhere and I’m just a chunk of flesh begging you to kill me. I know I will soon bleed out but you make sure every last moment is severely painful as you cut each piece of rib out of my chest. My eyes start to become hazy as you look into my dying eyes. I can hear you cumming on me as I take my last breath.

cannibalism phone sex Langley

Bloody Phone Sex

bloody phone sex angieMutilation madness…is it madness…or is it sanity of the darkest kind? I like to think that my world is the sane one while the rest of the world is on a roller coaster with blinders on. oblivious of the sadistic world they live in. My brother agrees…He is strikingly handsome and the woman swoon over him, making him the perfect accomplice. He is able to lure the most beautiful, perfect female specimens into his confidence. They get lost in the twinkle of his green eyes and the soothing sound of his rich, deep voice. We both enjoy the sound of flesh being ripped apart. The sound of horrified screams and the site of blood spattering across the floor and walls. We relish the feel of the warm liquid as it hits our bodies and drips down our flesh. Tonight we were feeling especially sadistic and evil and the sweet young thing he picked up was in for the treat of her life. She didn’t resist at all when he told her he was going to tie her down. In fact she begged him to tighten the restraints. Asking him to bring on the kink. I watched, naked in the shadows as e lived out the most violent rape fantasy I have ever seen. By the time he motioned for me to emerge from my vantage point, my cunt was already dripping wet and my adrenaline was pumping so hard I could hear the sound of my blood pumping through my veins. I grabbed a hand full of her hair so that she couldn’t turn away and watch as he began the mutilation that would end her life. He always starts with the breasts. I couldn’t wait till she took her last breath so that I could cut the ropes off, throw her lifeless body to the floor, lay in her blood and have him fuck me hard as we both relived what just happened in our mind’s eye. violent phone sex angie

Girl meat is what’s for dinner!

accomplice phone sexWell you might not wanna ask me what I did last weekend if you have a weak stomach. But for those who love the taboo, most gory and brutal things will appreciate all I did this past weekend. This guy hired me to do a special kinda job for him – he told me he could not stop craving teen meat. I knew that he couldn’t stop dreaming about that dripping cunt, the thighs on her that had little to no fat on them. She was perfect. A cute teen for dinner is what she was and he was hard as can be as we shaved her down and got her all nice and clean and ready for seasoning. Then he went and stuck his cock in her mouth as I seasoned her and based her. Covered her in veggies too. Even plugged a carrot into her ass and pussy. She was going to have a potato in her mouth when she was done! I couldn’t wait for this dinner, and my cunt dripped too when I heard her scream and her skin sizzle.

Torture phone sex with Makayla

Torture phone sex

Torture phone sex is hot. Listening to a stupid whore like me scream as you tell me what to do to myself. You know I am a dirty stupid whore and I need to be punished. My sweet pink cunt has been fucked, fisted, stabbed and stuffed with so many things. I will fuck a knotted cock and take all that nasty cum for you. I will degrade myself as I cut my body for you. The pain of a slice into my pale skin makes my pussy wet. Seeing the deep red blood gush out of my fresh new fuck hole makes me want to ride your cock. I want to be hurt and be punished for being a nasty fuck hole for you. Make me your worthless bitch. Try all the evil things you have ever wanted to do. I am your willing victim and I need it. I crave pain. I crave the pain you want to inflict on me.

I called in sick to take care of her

rape phone sex fantasiesI called in sick to work cuz there was this stupid little brat I needed to take care of. Work could wait, and I didn’t know the next time I would run into this lil fuckface again. This snotty brat was waiting for the bus to come and that’s when I snatched her up. She mouthed off to me one time when I went to take my dog on a walk so I figured she needed to learn a fucking lesson. I was going to fuck up her little ass. I was screaming and spitting in her face as she cried. She whimpered when she saw my ax in the corner but I told her that was for later. I got my favorite torture device – a strap on with sharp pieces of glass and nails all over it and I couldn’t wait to force it into her wet cunny. It’s only wet with blood cuz she certainly wasn’t enjoying it! That’s okay with me, I was soaking wet and loving that this bitch was getting everything she deserved and everything she had coming to her. Looks like she is going to learn to respect her elders!

Stranded For The Last Time

taboo phone sex karmaOne person’s misfortune is my gain. Going home I saw a stranded car in the snow with the word “HELP” written in the snow on the windshield. Being the person I am, how could I not stop? Inside the car was a woman and her young one. JACK POT! so helpless and cold, they were so thankful that someone had come along. After all they could have frozen to death out here. I don’t know about freezing, but the death part was certainly what was about to happen I offered them a ride back to town for help and they gladly accepted. Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to take rides with strangers? They should have. Once at my place I took full advantage of my situation. And here I thought today would be a cold and lonely day for me. Torturing the little one first while mommy cried and watched was just what I needed to get the party started. She was about to be next and his lifeless body would be right there with us watching with that glazed over stare that death brings. He would witness his mommy’s demise from the other side. Not to worry they would soon be together again! Forever…..