I am a taboo phone sex whore. I am cross listed on two sites at this company because I have all sorts of experiences and fantasies. I am a dirty mommy who loves to play with her sons and their friends, but I am also a druggy whore who gets into some sketchy situations because when I need coke, I lose my sensibilities. Sometimes, both my worlds collide. Last night, I needed coke, but I was out. I was home alone with my teenage sons because their father is out of town. We are having some bad weather and some roads around me have been washed out from flood. I was not able to go out and get coke. I called up this one drug dealer who never lets weather stop business for him. I did not want to call him though because he is brutal. I must pay with my fuck holes. I thought at worst I would be his ass rape porn star for a few hours and get some coke for my troubles. Well, both happened, but he wanted to fuck my sons’ assholes more. I have done my best to shield my boys from this sort of thing, but he wanted their assholes in exchange for coke. He really did not want to fuck me. He did, but my, “Used up old whore” holes were not tight enough for him. But once he saw my boys, he knew their backdoor pussies would be super tight. I wanted to say no. I wanted to be a good mother who protects her offspring from the taboo rape phone sex fantasies men have for young ones. But my need for coke was stronger than my maternal instincts. I let him fuck my sons’ virgin assholes. Their bottoms were raw and bloody afterwards. They are still not speaking to me. I have tried to lick their battered buttholes to soothe the pain, but as of now I am dead to them. A druggy whore needs to do what she has to do right? They will get over it, I hope.