Taboo phone sex fantasies? Are they your thing? I might be the right accomplice for you. Let me share a secret with you. P men need a female accomplice. Little girls and boys see mature women like me as maternal figures. They think we are just like their mommies, and they believe anything we say. I can lure any little one right to you. I found Susie at a little beauty pageant. I posed as a judge, and no one questioned me. I assumed the identity of a woman I kidnapped and left bound and gagged in an abandoned building. She will not be found until after I have had my fun with the little beauty queen hopefuls. I had an accomplice for this job. Ted hired me. He wanted to fuck a little pageant princess, but he needed an in. I was his in. I had a hotel room where I conducted interviews with each girl and her stage mom. I let the stage moms tell me which little angel would be the next teen rape porn star. Pageant moms live vicariously through their little girls. It is amazing how desperate these moms are. They will pimp their girls out for votes. I found a mom willing to trade her daughter’s tiny fuck holes for a vote. Dumb bitch. I have no vote to give, but I played on her desperateness. My friend, Ted, fucked the shit out of the future Miss something. He tore her virgin holes up while I filmed the action. Mom was in the other room, ignoring her daughter’s tears and screams for help. I just kept telling the girl this is what it takes to be a winner. I explained that if she wants the crown, she must go that extra mile. My accomplice, Ted, had violent rape phone sex fantasies for pageant girls. I made his fantasy a reality. Now, how can I make your fantasy a reality?