Stupid whore

Gangbang rape porn

 I have been watching hours of gangbang rape porn movies. I hate this girl at school. She bosses her boyfriend around and picks on kids. This little cunt at school even had the nerve to start shit with me. That has given me the idea to really fuck her good. She wants to cheat on her boyfriend and act all innocent. She always goes to parties fucking and kissing everyone there. My plan is gang bang her brain out. Having three snuff freaks that are close to me in my advantage. So, we have this party and have food, plenty of alcohol and drugs. She is a big coke head as well. My girl Chantell is going to bring her downstairs offer her a bump. She will gladly follow. We lock the door behind her and grab her small bony ass. Tie her up and have us all soundproof the walls. We want to duck tape her and take over all those sweet teen holes. She will be crying and you know that’s what she deserves for being a selfish fool. My plan is going down this weekend.

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