Ass rape porn videos are make the right women bank under quarantine. They are also making them sore. I have a sadistic girlfriend with an ass fetish and a penchant for making money. We are both coke heads. She is just more dominant than me. She lured me in with the promise of coke. We partied, then she said she wanted to play with my ass. She knows I am an anal slut. I was high and my nasty freak flag flies, so I let her use my ass. I thought she was just getting off and passing some time. I didn’t realize she was streaming it and the rougher she got was not because she wanted to hurt my ass. It was because guys were tipping her to use the bigger dildos and to go faster on my ass because they wanted to hurt my ass. I was high as fuck but feeling every inch of this one dildo in my ass. It was bigger than any cock I had ever had in my ass. It was hurting my ass more than a gang of cocks too. She had me in this contorted position which I later found out was to keep me from seeing the video screen. She didn’t want me to know she was profiting off my ass and my pain. At one point, I begged her to stop. I mean my ass was bleeding. I can take a hardcore ass fucking and star in an anal gangbang rape porn and not bleed. She destroyed my ass for her profit. I thought we were friends and she ruined my ass for money. I can’t sit and I can’t shit right, but she is sitting on coke money. I must keep whoring out my old body hoping that some dude will exchange sex for coke.