We were out at the park after dark just after midnight on the night of a full moon when it happened. I have no idea what came over me or how the hell it happened, but the guy I was with didn’t survive. Having stepped out from the Black Metal show we were attending…
I didn’t even know the dudes name we were flirting, drinking, and decided to go smoke a joint together. I always keep my bag with the door guy and grabbed it on the way out as I never step outside without it. I carry my gun and a couple knives in there, along with my special “party favors”. Pulling out a joint from my bag I noticed something didn’t seem right. Once the joint was lit it had a different taste to it in fact it had us feeling pretty whacked.
We smoked and decided to go over to the swings in the park and chill. I pulled out a flask of what was supposed to be Jack, but in taking a swig it had an acrid taste to it, like blood. Fuck it was blood, and what appeared to be vodka, where the hell did this shit come from?! I actually kinda liked the warmth it gave me and had a couple more swigs. Dude was hitting a fifth of jagermeister and suddenly I was in some sort of daze.
Knife in hand, blood everywhere, and a cold dead body of some dude beneath me with his pants down. My panties were off and I felt something sticky dripping from my cunt… blood and seaman. In a daze I lick my knife clean and it still isn’t quite registering with me what had happened. Looking at this corpse of a man I notice his penis has been severed, and I had a very upset feeling in my stomach. There is no way, I couldn’t have, did I?!