Snuff sex is the only kind of sex I have nowadays. I find even less use for men, people in general with this fucking plague. People are idiots. Men bitching about a haircut, talking about all lives matter, bitching about wearing a mask and complaining about food name changes and statutes being removed and no more rebel flag at Nascar events. I mean why the fuck do they care? Half these idiots are fat old white guys who do not live in the deep south and could not even tell you who the fucking statute is and what that person contributed to history. To me, no white male lives matter at all. All I must do is go on social media and find a jackass with a death wish. I found Bubba. No shit his name was Bubba. He lives a few counties over in a trail park. Poster boy for birth control. Missing some teeth. Big old beer gut yet he had some stupid memes fat shaming chicks on his wall. There was a picture with him in a Confederate flag shirt next to his Ford truck with big old truck balls. He was wearing his Making America Great Again red ball cap and drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer I heard banjo music just looking at him. No way Bubba represents anything great about this country. I decided he needed something more than castration phone sex. I cat fished him. Had him meet me in a no tell motel for a kinky tryst. Like he could get a girl like me, let alone the girl in the picture I cat fished him with. Bubba was so dumb he just thought he was getting two chicks. I drugged him and he hit the floor with a big thud. Bubba lost his balls and his dick. I went Lorena Bobbitt on Bubba because all lives do not matter. And there does not need to be more Bubbas in the world. He screamed bloody murder. I shoved his dick and his balls in his mouth. And I put his Make America Great Again hat over his mutilated sex organs. Normally, I never call 911, but I wanted Bubba to live. I wanted him to know there is a cost to his free speech and sexism. Fat fuck will hopefully learn a lesson. Just for shits and giggles, I carved Black Lives Matter and Trans Rights on his chest. I know that will just annoy the shit out of him.