Snuff sex

Snuff sex

I was at a very impressionable age when my Daddy first started forcing me to help him make snuff films.The screams don’t bother me anymore. I didn’t want to be involved at first. I would hear the screams for hours and then eerie silence immediately after, coming from the basement. I grew to know that after the screaming stopped, Daddy would come back upstairs and fuck me hard. Sometimes he was covered in blood and scratches but every time, he would hold me down and force his huge, stiff cock into my tiny, bald cunt. He would fuck me for what felt like hours. Whatever he was doing down in the basement had him rock hard every single time and I grew to love it. Once he made me suck his cock as he strangled a hooker. As she slowly slipped away, and stopped fighting back, he blew a huge load in my mouth. It has gotten to where I crave the screams because I know what comes next.

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