Snuff porn makes my cunt wet. I will lay on my floor all day long playing with my pussy watching snuff porn vids I made. I will even masturbate to the work of other sadistic filmmakers. My favorite ones have a stupid cunt being tortured before ultimately being snuffed out. The bloodier the better. You see, I have no tolerance for stupid sluts. Gold diggers, mean girls, cock teases, spoiled princesses, slut wives, crack whores, home wreckers, animal abusers, drama queens, bullies, self entitled cunts… Most women. There is just something so intoxicating about hearing some whore who treated you like shit beg for her life. Screams, tears, pleas, begging are foreplay for a sick bitch like me.
I remember my first kill. I was just a school girl myself. It was very impulsive. I was at summer camp and this teen twat was taunting me. Pretty much had been bullying me for weeks because of my Goth look. We were in the mess hall on pots and pans duty, when I picked up a big ass knife and jabbed her in the gut 82 times. I had pent up aggression clearly. In a moment of panic, I tied her up, sodomized her ass with a rolling pin and tossed her in the industrial dryer so as to look like a random sex crime. The case was never solved. No one even looked at me as a suspect even though I was the last to see her alive. It was really easy. Too easy. I got wet anytime anyone spoke of the random, senseless crime committed against the school sweetheart. The school’s sweetheart was an insecure, mean twat who got what was coming to her. Sadly, I was too young and impulsive to have filmed her death. It was epic.
Now, when I snuff someone out, I film it. Sometimes I make snuff movies for fun, sometimes I have been paid to do it, other times it just because I was in the right place at the wrong time for some cunt or asshat or I was just a lucky accomplice. Think about it. The world needs people like me. I’m an equalizer. I get rid of the bad, so the world is a better place. We all have encountered someone who deserves to be snuffed out. Killing is actually very therapeutic. I look at as a creative and healthy way to deal with stress. Who can I eradicate for you?
Don’t forget to check out our new site of tasty treats. Quite an array of submissive whores for us to snuff, torture and force fuck, don’t you agree?