Snuff phone sex whore Stephanie

snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex slut Stephanie is celebrating the 4th a little differently than most of the whores you’ll find on these lines. I won’t be shooting off fireworks or going to any parties. Instead, I have a tiny, young victim to abuse all night long and I’m hoping I can find an evil Master to enjoy her with. She’s tied up in my basement right now with her panties balled up and stuffed in the back of her throat, gagging her. She’s drugged up to the point where she couldn’t fight back if she wanted to and I want your help torturing her until she’s on the verge of blacking out. Once we’ve tortured her until we can barely move, we can snuff her out together. I’ve already taken my time using pliers to snap her teeth out so that you’ll be able to fuck her soft, gummy bleeding mouth! Wrap her hair around your hand so tightly that it starts to rip out at the roots while you’re slamming her head up and down, fucking her face and making her choke and gag on your dick. I’m going to be fucking her up the ass with my spiked, wooden bat and ripping her wide open when I twist it deep inside of her. I want you to see how good it feels when she tries to scream with your dick down her throat! That’s after you get finished force fucking those tight, young holes of course. I’m going to use that same bat to bash her tiny head in while Master is pumping his huge dick in me from behind. My slut pussy is gushing from thinking about hearing her gurgling, muffled screams and taking your dick at the same time! The harder you pump my cunt, the harder I’m going to swing down onto her little face with this bat! When we’re all finished with her, I’ll toss her tiny, mutilated corpse into my Daddy’s wood chipper, turn her into mulch and forget she ever existed. Then it’s on to the next victim. I’ll never stop being an evil bitch and snuffing out little bitches that I find wandering around alone. I just need an evil Master to join me.

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