Snuff Phone Sex That Is Heart Stopping

hot phonesex karma5My Gods love sweet innocent sacrifices. She was so kind. She offered to take me home and feed me a nice hot meal. She offered me a hot shower and the use of her clothes. She even offered to let me spend the night.
As soon as I entered her home, all cozy and cheerful and well kept, my cunt came alive. She is perfect and the Gods are going to reward me well for this sacrifice. I took some powdered herbs out of my bag and slipped them in her drink as she bustled around the kitchen preparing our meal. My cunt got wetter with each sip she took as we chatted and she cooked. Soon she would be falling asleep.
I watched as she neared the end of dinner as her eyelids got heavier. No sooner had she set our meals on the table and sat down was her face in her plate. I turned her head so she wouldn’t suffocate in her food and began to ransack her house.
I helped my self to whatever I wanted, filling bags to take with us. Then I sat down and enjoyed the dinner that she so kindly prepared for me with an evil smile on my face. Of course I had to save room for dessert which would come latter.
Once I was done I gathered up all the things I wanted and loaded them in her car along with her limp body. I made sure she was positioned in the front seat with her skirt hiked up high and her pussy showing. I rubbed my cunt all the way into the woods as far as I could drive. I unloaded my stash and finally carried her body to my camp.
I tied her up and bustled around putting away all my new goodies waiting for her to come to. When I saw her eyes start to twitch and knew it was almost time I let out a load of cum like I haven’t in a long, long time.
I waited till she was coherent and then told her how grateful I was for all she had given me. And for her kind heart. She had no idea what I was talking about but she would soon.
I said a prayer to the Gods asking them to send me good fortune and smile upon my sacrifice. Then I raised my knife into the air and came down between her breast bone, ripping deep into her flesh and gutting her like a deer. I quickly ripped her breast bone open and reached in to rip her beating heart from her chest.
While it was warm and beating and dripping fresh blood I took it on my mouth and began to devour it, taking in her life force.
The rest of her was placed on my alter and she was burned the smoke and ash rising to the heavens and received by the Gods.
I slept well because I knew I had pleased them.

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