Smashed and tenderized

Castration phone sexCastration phone sex is one of my very favorite games. It just feeds my power as a female to rid the world of nasty balls. Scrotums. Nut sacs. Testicles. I I often hit the clubs looking for men who deserve to lose them.. Oh you men think you are so superior with your delicate little sacs. But one good kick or a stomp from these stiletto boots will render you useless and infertile forever. I enjoy the popping sound a teste makes when it’s squished like a grape.

So next time you are at a club, hitting on women and making those sexist bitch comments, better watch your ass. You might find me there in the background, watching and waiting. So easy to buy a man a drink and slip him a happy pill. Not enough to knock him out. Just makes him super happy and drunk acting. Of course I was there to lead you outside and into my car.

When you awoke, you were tied down with your nuts in a vice. I slowly tightened them until you moaned. “Kinky bitch, are you? I’ll fuck you so hard, you’ll beg for mercy, you cunt.” I laughed. “Oh really, How are you going to do that with no cock or balls?” I saw the fear and I liked it. I tightened it some more until your nuts turned blue. “Who’s gonna be begging for mercy, fuckhead?”

I gave the vice a hard spin and you screamed like a girl. I took the scalpel and held it to your bloated sperm factories. One quick slash and they exploded, the testes bursting from their sacs like popcorn. “It won’t hurt too bad.” I stopped and took a drag from my cigarette, grinding it out on the head of your cock. As you screamed in pain, I rendered that final slash, forever severing your pathetic manhood. I almost finished you off then. but changed my mind. It would be so much more fun watching you go through life as a Ken Doll. Betcha won’t be talking shit to women any more….



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