If you are reading this please help me! There may still be time to save me!!! I’m all alone here in the crazy people’s basement, they don’t know that I have this diary to write in and I have no idea how I can get this to anyone who can help me but I have got to try! It all started when I went to a party and got a little drunk, I guess I must have passed out a little because I don’t even remember how I got in Jezabel’s car, I barely remember her saying that she was going to take me home and then everything went black. When I woke up I was here, all tied up and she and her boyfriend Rick were discussing me like I was a piece of meat, talking about how firm I looked and how they were sure I had the perfect amount of fat. But when they started talking about recipes I really freaked out. These fucking weirdos wanted to eat me! They said that they had to clean out all the booze and drugs from my system first, that’s why I am stuck down here eating their plain food and drinking only water. I don’t know how long I will last, I don’t know when they will decide to cook me, all I know is that I need help! Please, someone, help me before it’s too late!