
Once a year a celebration takes place.  One in which I am honored to be a part of, as not many are.  We conduct this gathering to insure each and every One of Us protection throughout the coming year, so that We may continue Our work in the Name of The Ancients, and no I am not referring to the Christian God.  The Ones I worship are the Old Ones, from a time long past, whose dogma has been pushed under the carpet as it is considered barbaric. 

This year it was the task of Another to obtain the Sacrificium.  For one year, it is ordained that the Sacrificium must be kept safe, to be trained up in it’s foretold duty at the next celebration.  It is not to be taken lightly.  From what I have been told, the year with the Sacrificium is tedious.  You must spend each free second working with them.  They need to memorize the words to use, the proper etiquette, the proper mannerisms, how they are to address Those in attendance.  For the first few months, this would be a bit irritating to say the least.  However, by the time of the Celebration, they are ready.

They are dressed in what some would consider a Baptismal Gown.  They are pure, they are innocent, and they help to insure that We have a Blessed year.  This year, it has been told that the Sacrificium is particularly special.  They have made rapid progress in their preparation.  I am looking forward to this Celebration with great anticipation.  When We raise them up in Our hands to hold them before They who perform the Holy Act, the thrill that courses through Me is unlike anything else I have ever experienced. If you do not know what “Sacrificium” is, it is the term used for a “Blood Sacrifice.”

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