I found a sweet little innocent girl to feed my most taboo fantasy and she was delicious. My friend and I share a love for tender young flesh and this little whore was perfect. She was a little plump and young enough that the meat wouldn’t be tough. She was so scared, all that fear would season the meat too so I made the fear last as long as possible. We shaved her and cleaned her before my friend took advantage of all those tender little fuck holes. She was screaming her head off the whole time but that only made his dick harder. When he finished fucking her we oiled her up and tied her up with butcher’s twine and popped her in the oven. She roasted slowly for hours before she finally died, and when we finally served her up the meat was so tender and flavorful. I even made a little to go box up so that I could leave a delicious meal at her parents house. I hope they like the way their daughter tastes.