Oh that dreaded holiday is finally behind us. You didn’t need a valentine, if you want someone’s heart you just take it. Carefully playing with your blades, sharpening and testing the points. Save only the sharpest one for me. Make sure the table is ready and straps tested to be tight and secure. I won’t run away but can’t promise my body won’t react to the craving into my flesh. Make the first cut just the upper left of my chest follow the dotted lines you marked out a complete circle to carve out a little hole in my chest. Pulling off the flesh, with minimum blood giving you a perfect view of the heart currently still pounding in my chest. You tease me as you reach in and ask if I can feel my heart in the palm of your hand. Sharing one last laugh with you, as you grip tight around the beating muscle and tear it right out of my chest. My last sight as the world fades away is you laughing covered in blood splatter, and blood shooting out my chest cavity traveling down my tits and slowly dying down as my blood grows colder. Unable to live on without the missing piece currently in your hand.