Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Pegging Men’s Assholes Consume Me Most Days

rape phone sex fantasiesWomen enjoy rape phone sex fantasies too. However, my forced fantasies do not always involve women or young girls. I mostly harbor them for asshole men. For centuries men have acted like cavemen towards women. Not all men of course. And not even most men. I think most men in the world know how to treat a woman with respect and dignity. Or they can at least fake it in public settings. However, there remains still a percentage of cavemen who think women owe them sex. And those sorts of men I love to anally torture.

If I go out any weekend night to a bar, I can find men who need taught a lesson in how to treat women. Sometimes I simply peg or fist their ass into submission. And other times, I use castration phone sex to neuter the cavemen. Last night, I did both. Told you, I just felt in the mood to wreak havoc on a man’s sexual pleasure. Although, I do not consider myself a man hater, I do see myself as a punisher. If a man cannot behave, I show him how.

I Enjoy Putting Cavemen in Their Place

Danny made the mistake of acting like a tool at the bar last night. He sexually harassed me. Some men just think they can break a woman’s will. Or they think that when she says no it’s some sort of game. Danny did not get the memo that in 2024 women can reject a man’s advances if she wants. So, I let him think I caved to his persistence and wanted to blow him in the bathroom. As if any woman really wants to blow some caveman in a dirty ass bar bathroom.

I caught him off guard. My knife forced him to turn around so I could restrain his arms behind his back. Once I secured him, I pulled down his pants and I fucked his ass with a homemade dildo that I affixed shards of glass to with super glue. And that let me shred his ass. But I did not stop there because I felt in the mood to castrate him too. I gave him the reach around for some cock and ball torture sex. With one clean swipe, his worthless caveman balls fell to the ground, and he passed out on the floor.

I left him bleeding out on that dirty bar bathroom floor, just like he would have left me after he got what he wanted. Some one needs to put cavemen in their place. Might as well be me.

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