Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Mommy Leave Me Beaten Beautiful

rape phone sex fantasiesI’ve been recovering for a week now from my son’s rape phone sex fantasies. One of these days our “beat mommy beautiful,” sessions will kill me. Every time he gets more violent. However, every time I get more coke too. So, I know my son loves me. You might call coke mommy’s kryptonite. In fact, this last streaming session, mommy wore a cut off T-shirt styled with the Super Girl logo, but the S stood for Super Whore. That’s me in case you did not know. I am a super whore for coke. And a super whore for my boy.

We began our live session with my face planted in the bowl of coke with his elbow deep in mommy’s cavern. With one arm up mommy’s barren old womb, he used his other hand to fish hook my mouth and punch my face a few times. He thinks with my fiery red hair that I look best with a black and blue face. Once he removed his fist from my cunt, he punched my teeth out. And they flew across the room.  With the teeth gone, he could skull fuck me senseless like I deserved.

My Son Loves Me Because When He Beats Me Beautiful, He Gives Me Coke

Although I know I am his torture sex doll, I never mind. He needs the money from the live streams to live on and provide his super whore mommy with premium coke. While he throat fucked me, he choked me too. It felt like he was jacking his cock off inside of my throat with every tight squeeze. My face turned red and blue. With his other hand, he pulled out my shitter. But since my ass gets a lot of action, it prolapses so easily these days.

Once my ass sleeve dangled outside my ass, he tied me up in the downward dog position and rammed his cock into my ass pipe which dangled between my legs like a cock. From a distance folks might have mistaken me for a tranny. While he pumped my ass sleeve, he punched me in the back, and the rib cage. He even reached around to the sides to pummel my huge fun bags.

I Am My Son’s Fuck Meat to Abuse Whenever He Wants

He grabbed an appliance cord and began strangling me. He giggled and informed me that I now had a good strangulation phone sex story to tell my friends. Although it appeared like he would choke me out, I know he would never kill his cash cow. As he punched every inch of my porcelain white body, I could feel the bruises emerging.  He even punched my prolapsed asshole like he was Mike Tyson. And that pulled it out even more.

After what felt like an eternity, he turned his focus back to my face. He pissed down my throat while choking me some more. I knew I needed to guzzle it like fine champagne. As he called me a dumb stupid whore, he tossed me across the room with ease. But anyone could, I guess. I am nothing but skin and bones. Most of my body weight comes from my fun bags. And they felt like they deflated when my body hit the floor. The chimes poured in when he pushed my head through a wall.

My Son Needs to Abuse Me Because I Am His Cash Cow

While I hung in the wall like a gallery painting, he slammed his cock inside my piss hole like he would my cunt. He calls me his 4-hole mommy super whore. He considers my urethra my tightest hole like most men. I possess a high mileage cunt and ass, making that pee hole the tightest hole on my old whore body.

However, while I hung in the wall, my son surprised me with a 50-man gang bang. Some of his viewers bid big bucks to assault this mommy whore. They filled my bladder up with cum. Although those men did fuck my ass and my cunt, they focused on my pee hole first. I am still pissing out jizz.

When my boy pulled me from the wall, my make up appeared smeared all over my face.  And my bruises and welts showed in all their glory. For my finale bow of the live stream, my boy smashed my head repeatedly into the hardwood floor. But I think my skull might be thicker than that floor, because I left a dent in the floor.

My Son Let Fifty Strangers Fuck My Pee Hole

While he held my head down on the floor, he gave my prolapsed shitter one more go around. However, he did this with a plastic bag over my head. I could barley breathe as he fucked my dangling shit hole. Now, I am still covered in bruises a week later. And no amount of make-up will cover them up completely. But I do not mind my beauty marks because when they heal, I know he will beat me beautiful all over again.

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