Rape phone sex fantasies

rape phone sex fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies get me really wet. I’m asleep one night with all of the lights off but I forgot to lock the back door. You slowly open it, slip in and then close it as to not make any noise. You creep into my bedroom and make your way to my bed. You put a cloth that has been soaked in chloroform across my nose and mouth. I struggle slightly but then go limp. You turn on the bedside lamp so you can see my body and rip the blankets off. I am sleeping naked that night and you are excited that you won’t need to cut off any clothes. You lean down to suck on my nipples and then bite them hard enough to leave marks. You push my thighs open and lick my pussy just enough to get it wet and ready for your hard cock. You slide your cock in and begin to fuck me hard. You slap my face and squeeze my tits hard enough to leave bruises. Abusing me has got you so turned on that you don’t last long. You groan as you cum and then redress to leave. You pull the blanket back over me and leave before I wake up. When I come to I wonder why my breasts hurt so much and why my pussy is so wet. I meet my friends for coffee later and as I’m telling them that I had no idea what happened, you walk by and smirk.

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