Portrait Of Death ~ NarcissusNarcosis
I will never forget the night
I first experienced the delight
of what it felt like
to take another human’s life..
I had fantasized nonstop
for a very long time
I knew no drug could top
the high I would find…
I spent the days leading up
carefully dissecting my plan
deciding how it would come to fruition
stalking out my first victim..
Still not sure why I picked him
maybe it was because he seemed
so set in doing good deeds.
And no good deed goes unpunished…
I tirelessly studied
his daily routines
even went to church
to watch him preach.
He would stand at his altar
babbling on and on about
hell, brimstone, and fire.
He talked about how demons walked the earth
to bring about the end.
If only he knew
the demon that would end him
was in the front row…
He had a beautiful wife
2 young tykes and a dog
she would be a widow
weeping at an empty altar
and those brats would grow up
without a father.
I sharpened my blades well
different knives for different purposes
one for stabbing, one for slicing,
one for peeling skin
and a meat cleaver for dicing.
A bone saw to dismember
along with a small plastic case
to keep a trophy of him with me
He was a set-in-his-ways man
so I knew what he would be doing
we had a very nice date planned
no way it could be ruined.
I dressed in black fatigues
long-sleeve black shirt and black boots.
My tools were already in my car
as I left my house with a smile
didn’t have to drive far
he lived away only a few miles.
I drove to his house and parked
and waited for him to depart
just as expected, 8:29 PM
he said bye to the brats.
I followed him to the parking lot
of the Saturday night restaurant
he always went to
meeting friends at the I-HOP
for some self-righteous laughs and food.
He always parked at the side of the building
where I knew no cameras were filming
I crept behind him with a wire in my clutch
wrapped around his throat
until he ceased to choke
then dragged him to my trunk.
Once he was properly bound and gagged
we were off, on our way back to my pad.
He awoke wide-eyed with a look of fear
strapped to a table in the heart of my shed
I removed the tape so I could hear
him pray to a god that was already dead.
He asked me why I was doing this
and offered me money to let him go
said he had a family, had 2 brats
and I replied, “I already know.”
I took my time and had fun with him
wanted to see how much pain a body could withstand
I burned him with a torch and hammered his feet
and drove nails through his knees.
After such a short time, he could take no more
he kept passing out, he was such a bore…
I slit his throat and watched him bleed out
he almost looked like a pez dispenser..
After hours of cleaning up
any and all traces of blood
I placed his head neatly in a duffel bag
with a hole drilled through his skullcap.
I decided to play nice after all his work
and took him back to his very own church.
I used his keys to get in the back entrance
and placed his head on the altar
through the top was jammed a crucifix…
What a beautiful sight that would greet the Sunday crowd
I decided to go again to hear them scream aloud…
It all felt so right…
I knew I would be powerless to resist the urge
to kill again…
but this was only my first victim..
I had some great ideas and plans
to taunt the police
and let them know
something stronger than them
is taking over…