Never Enough Time for all the Snuff Phone Sex Folks Deserve

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex, I could do all day long. Fuck. I can do it in my sleep. My mind gets full of vengeful thoughts and plots to rid the world of useless folks. And let me tell you there are some many useless folks in this world. Think about it. If we could kill off the annoying fucks, tiny dick losers, stupid politicians, whiney spoiled brats, and dipshits in this world, wouldn’t that be the only way to make America great again, LOL?

My tolerance for people appears less and less each year. I get older and just do not have the same threshold for stupidity I once had. Although, my tolerance for stupid fucks never seemed high, LOL. When I went to the grocery store, some yuppie looking white guy in a Rolex thought he could cut through a line of folks waiting patiently to check out. He thought he was special because he was white, male and rich. Nothing special to me. No man is.

I watched him be rude to everyone in line and the check out girl. So, I followed him. Of course he got into an Italian sports car. He screamed small dick energy. And that’s when I fantasized about giving him cock and ball torture sex. But my fantasies never stay fantasies for long. That self-entitled prick needed me to put him in his place. And I did.

I Enjoy Taking Away a Man’s Small Dick Energy

I followed him for a few days. Learned his habits and saw that he was more of a tool than I could have imagined. He was easy to capture. He likes to party. So, I lured him with coke. But I cut it with a little fentanyl. Not much. Just enough to paralyze his body so I could castrate him and ruin sex for him. Castration takes the wind out of a blowhard quickly. But I did not castrate him slowly. Where is the fun in that?

Nothing slow with me. Not when it comes to castration phone sex. I carved up his worthless junk slowly. Although I wanted to kill this tool because the world would be much better without him, I also wanted to neuter the prick. Turn him into shell of his former self.

Men hold too much value in their junk. And I am here to take the wind out of their sails. I deflated his balls first. Then I removed them. And not very neatly either. But the best part? I carved my name in his worthless limp cock. Now when he sees his even more worthless dick, he will always remember me. My guess though, more men will soon not forget me either. The world is full of tools and losers.

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