My new bloody babysitting gig

babysitter phone sexBabysitter phone sex and my name do not mesh well together. You know how much I hate fucking whiny ass brats. But somehow I got roped into this shit so I think I’ll use it for my perverted pleasure. Sending out this message to all of my warped accomplices and freaky killers. Come get some young stuff. I’m running the day care center this week.

I’d round up all of these little monsters and tie them to chairs. Stuff a rag into those yappy mouths. Bring in a bunch of freaks who love skinny little bodies, little pink balls, and bald pussies. It’ll be like a buffet. With blood and violation and screaming.

Let me give you a hand. I’ve got some rope. Spread those legs wide open. Let’s string a few of them up and let them dangle. They beg for mommy. Too bad, so sad. If they make it back to mommy, they will be little meat carcasses with every hole stretched open wide. Leaking cum and blood. Oh, I do love training the next generation.

Come on, P fuckers. Ready for some head bashing, pussy ripping fun? Quit being a pussy and admit that pain excites you.



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