Mutilation Phone Sex: Tough Love Venus Style

mutilation phone sex knife plaI hate a stupid bitch. Especially the kind that whores herself out to married or otherwise taken men. If they cheated with you, they will cheat on you. Sometimes a bitch just needs a hard lesson. I love giving wakeup calls to stupid cunts. Sandra is a cute girl next door type. In fact, she is my girl next door. She has been my neighbor for a few years now and it’s a parade of bad boys in and out of her apartment on a regular basis. Every time some taken loser doesn’t leave his current clueless cunt for her, she cries on my shoulder. I am not really a sympathetic type. If I tell you to stop fucking assholes committed to other women and you don’t, well it’s time for some tough love, Venus style.

Sandra showed up on my doorstep after married loser number 142 dumped her. So, I tied her to my bed, got out my big ass knife and carved a reminder into her flesh. “He doesn’t love you,” I cut into her skin. She was screaming in pain; yelling how could I do this to her? Like I was the bad guy. I’ve given her hours of free counsel which she has ignored.  “Tough love bitch,” is what I told her. I carved “worthless” right about her pussy too. If you keep fucking losers, and have  ignored sound advice, you are not only a stupid cunt, but a worthless one too.

torture sex home invasionI had fun torturing the bitch. I have no tolerance for stupidity. And if you keep repeating the same mistake, that is the epitome of  stupidity.  I even sliced her clit and cut her worthless nipples off. Mutilated girl parts might help her think twice before giving some loser access to her pussy again. Sometimes women just need a little help to recognize they deserve better. I told her if I see another married jagoff leaving her apartment, I was sewing her cunt shut. Just like I will castrate your cock if you can’t use it properly. I’m helpful that way

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