I hope you have rape phone sex fantasies. I want to destroy some little holes. This lock down shit has me going darker than I ever go and I go dark. I was going stir crazy in the house over the weekend. I hopped in my car and went for a ride. The city was like some post apoplectic ghost town. No one was on the streets. I kept driving. I was hunting. Hunting sweet young flesh. I just kept driving. By this time, I was a few counties away. I had driven into the sticks. I was in redneck country. A bunch of inbred dirty brats running around all over the place. No one social distancing. No one paying attention to their spawn they had with their first cousin. Too busy cooking meth in their sheds lol. I snatched a little brat up and we drove off into the sunset. A cute little blonde. She was dirty from playing on the dusty dirt road. I drove her to my kill shack. It is in the hills where inbred Wrong Turn mother fuckers make moonshine and hide from the law. Any crime I commit is blamed on them. My little shack is hidden well and off the beaten path. It looks abandoned to keep suspicion off me. It is not registered. No deed but been in my family for decades. Use to be the love shack where the men in the family took their paid whores and killed them. Now, I take little brats there and mutilate their little parts. This little cunt didn’t stand a chance against a snuff sex queen like me. I stabbed her cunt with a knife. I fisted her gaping bloody hole until my hand came out her belly. I chopped her up and tossed her to the coyotes. Then I got back in my car and looked for another one. Just wished you were with me.