Knife play phone sex will always be a favorite of mine because I am a knife aficionado. It takes skill and precision to kill your victim with a blade. Anyone can kill with a gun and just get lucky. No challenge or skill needed. I have amassed an impressive knife collection over the years too. Many I inherited from my grandfather when he died. My parents are simps. I get my evilness from my grandpa. How he raised my wimpy ass father is beyond me. My grandpa was a brutal man with a need to hunt like me. He taught me how to kill with a knife. I do not own a gun. I am perfectly capable of handling myself against an attacker armed just with my wits and a knife. An intruder found out the hard way how good I am with a knife. I was sound asleep the other night when I woke up to a shadowy figure standing at the edge of the bed. I did not scream. I did not tip my hand that I was awake either. I slowly reached under my pillow and flung my knife into his chest until I heard the thud of a body on my bedroom floor. I hit him to disarm him, not kill him. Not kill him yet at least. I like torture sex. No one crosses me and gets a quick death out of it. I turned on the lights, pulled out my knife and stuffed my panties into his open chest wound. I knew where I hit him. He would eventually bleed out, but I had 30 mins or so left to make him wish he had died instantly. I cut off his cock and his balls. I fucked his ass with my knife too shredding his asshole into a pile of raw hamburger meat. I could have called the authorities and been within my right to kill the intruder, but I carved him up too much before I let him bleed out, so I dumped him in my bathtub. He is soaking in lye and dissolving as I start my day off with some sadistic phone sex. This intruder will never be found if anyone even reports him missing.