Kidnapping Phone Sex Left Me Naked and Battered Alongside of a Dark Road

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex stories get my pussy wet. I know. Folks ask me all the time what’s wrong with me. Nothing I tell them. I just enjoy dark fantasies. Plus, my life is a far cry from vanilla. Although I can fake it, I am nothing but an old coke whore. And because of that I get myself in some precarious situations.

My husband gave me money to fix my car. But I bought coke instead. I thought I could get some more miles on my car before it died. And I when I got paid, I could fix the car. I needed coke more than a working car. But on my way back from my dealer’s house my car broke down. However, I knew I could not call my husband to pick me up. Then he would know I put the money up my nose instead of fixing the car.

So, I called AAA to tow me. I got into a car with a man who I thought AAA sent to take me someplace safe. A dark rarely traveled road in the middle of the night no one thought would be safe for me. Even though I do hardcore ass rape porn often, I still did not want to be alone there. But I got into a car with a stranger, not a AAA driver. And I got myself violated and left along side of the road.

My Drug Addiction Puts Me in Danger Almost Daily

As soon as I got in the car, he shot something in my thigh. And the next moment, I woke up naked, battered and full of cum in my cunt and ass along the side of the road. Even as high as I get, I always remember what I did. So, what ever he gave me must have been very strong. My cunt looked bloody. Not sure what he fucked me with. But I doubt just a cock could destroy my cunt like that. Not even a big black cock.

My ass felt equally destroyed. Luckily, my broke down car was not far away. I crawled back to it and waited for AAA.  Perhaps I could use the rape phone sex fantasies of the guy who picked me up as an excuse of why I did not fix the car. Someone kidnapped me and sexually assaulted me on the way to the car shop and robbed me too. And left me unconscious on the side of a rarely traveled road. My husband can be so gullible sometimes.

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