Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sex

You always hear your parents tell you not to open the door to strangers. Growing up I remeber well how they would always say not to do it. I met a man awhile ago, and he has told me about a little girl that he watches and has been wanting for a long time now. He told me, that the only way he will spare my life, is to help him get that tiny girl that he has always wanted. She lives near by and there are times her parents neglect her. She tends to reach open to the door when the mail man comes and always greets him with a cute little smile. So, I decide to be the new mail man. I knock on the door, and there she is standing there. I ask her where her parents are.

She cant really form too big of sentences just yet. I reach down to her and pick her up and close the door as we walk back to the car. She starts to beg, I guess even at that stage in a girls life she knows what to expect. We get in the car and she starts kicking and screaming. I hold her little mouth closed, as the man threatening my life drives far away. He finally decides to stop at a hostel. He procedes to unpack a lot of different things. There was a tarp, tools, and other items that I believe he will use on her. I stay with the room with the girl as tears stream down her face. He then comes in, shuts the curtains and lays out the tarp.

He gets the duck tape and first wraps up the little girls wrist and ankles. He looks at me and tells me thank you, but he is not going to spare me my life. I put up a fight trying to get to the door to get away and he is not having it. He is scrating me and biting me. He even manages to get a couple hits across my face, making blood run down my face. He grabs the girl and spreads her legs open. He rips every article of clothing off of her. Her little tit mounds are perky and covered in goose bumbs. He gets them covered in his saliva and takes a big bite out of them. He shows me her tight little untouched pink pussy hole. “Can you imagine all the stuff I can do to her? It is going to feel so good.You are a dead girl, belle. Sorry it has come to this.”

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