Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sex

I helped snatch up a group of brats for a guy I know. I pulled off the absolute perfect plan and got paid for doing it, twice! I met a guy on the internet offering me a big wad of cash for 4-5 little fuck sluts for a snuff film he was making. I came up with this plan years ago but finally had everything I needed to pull it off. I got a job as a limo driver and had permission to use the car to make extra cash on the side during my down time. I waited until the week before homecoming. I knew small towns go crazy over that shit. I placed an ad in a random paper, advertising a limo service for the night of the dance. I got a client booked within an hour. A group of little assholes, the perfect age range and everything! I made them pay me $500 to pick them up and bring them to the dance. I picked them up and laughed to myself as they made shitty little comments to me. I rolled up the privacy screen and flipped them off. I will have the last laugh anyway. These little pricks just thought they were going to the dance. I put the limo in park and got out to open the doors. The windows were blacked out so they had no idea where we were. I opened the door for them and as they stepped out of the car, they realized we weren’t at the dance. They were in the warehouse in front of a group of rough looking men.  These guys were going to use them, torture them and eventually snuff them out and dispose of them like trash. The guy in charge handed me an envelope and I glanced inside. I slid in the $500 I was paid for the ride and laugh to myself as I get back in the car. Just another day on the job.

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