I enjoy accomplice phone sex. I do not get to assist wicked minds much. I am normally nothing more than the victim. Sometimes, however, I have something a man wants, like my teen niece. I had her in tow when I went to pick up my weekend supply of party drugs. I thought he was just giving it to me. I should have known better. Some one like my niece can get drugs for free because she is tight and cute. My dealer was eying her like a fat girl looks at cake. I told him he could have her if I could have that bag of coke, he was dangling in front of me. She looked mortified and I should not have done it, but for me, it is coke before family. I pushed her on the ground and started stripping her clothes off her tiny body. She was crying and pleading with me to stop. My dealer was rubbing his cock all over her body. He told her that he was going to fuck her asshole. I have had his ass porn star treatment and it is not pleasant. I thought if I fisted her asshole, I could make it easier on her. I was fucked up and never removed my rings or lubed up. I shredded her asshole and as she cried, I sucked my dealer’s dick. He was proud of me. He said he would give me more coke for helping him fuck my niece. He loved that I prolapsed her asshole. I was just getting her warmed up for his dick. I did do her a solid though. I put some coke on her asshole to numb the pain. My dealer has rape phone sex fantasies for Lolitas and I made them cum true for a bag of coke. She may never forgive me, but I finally found a way to get my coke for free again. I just need to trade teen holes for it.