It’s a Bloody Date

bloody phone sex

I’m really nervous about talking to J. tonight. He’s into some very extreme kinds of knife and needle play. The last time that I saw him I wasn’t myself for weeks. When I told him that I was concerned about being pushed too hard he just told me that recovery wouldn’t be an issue after this session. I asked him what he meant and he told me that not everyone recovers every time. I knew right then that he planned on cutting into me in a fatal way. I can see him towering above me now. I will suffer while he dismantles me one last time.
I’ve been his bloody phone sex torture whore for some time now. I feel the warmth rushing through my skin. The need to bleed for him ignites my entire being. Hurt me, please. I’ll beg to take it. I’ll beg for his blades all the way down into my grave. I’ll take the deep twisted ways that he chooses to bleed me out. Can you imagine being the one that will drain my life completely? You better act quickly. My life now has an expiration date. Take me out and fulfill your dark needs now.

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