This drunk ass redneck asshole was on my nerves but he had a pretty little girl and a gambling problem so he was willing to sell his little whore to the highest bidder. I bought her and that asshole had the nerve to ask me if she would be well treated, he was feeling guilty for selling her and wanted to see if she would be going to a good home. Well I assured him that I just wanted my own little brat, that I was unable to have them so his sweet girl would be loved and cherished. Ha! What a fucking joke that was I swear I could hardly keep a straight face but he bought it. I took her home and torture that stupid little cunt to death. We fucked all her holes open and broke her fucking bones, she died a gruesome horrible death and I filmed every second of it. Then I broke into her daddy’s house and made him watch it all. He was so guilt stricken that he killed himself, it was glorious!
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You are the hottest accomplice ever
I got a few bitches I would like to have you teach a lesson too.
Nasty Bitch, fuck her up I love it!
Sexy Bitch Lets fuck up some brats together!
Mmmm damn you are one sexy twisted bitch!
You sadistic slut do me next baby
Your dark heart is my sanctuary
i want to fuck hoes up with you
I love your blogs