Hardcore Rape Porn Fantasies Now On DVD

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I keep saying I want to get into my own hardcore rape porn fantasies production company. Not your run of the mill snuff either, I am wanting some real extreme rape porn that would make you squirm. My collection of my own private stuff is still relatively small. I have started to add more of a variety to what I am doing as well. Everything from ass rape porn to murder fantasies are displayed proudly on my media shelf in my dark basement room. My favorite are the little tiny p rapes where I get to take advantage of all the little brothers and sisters off the ass wipes who make my life what it is today. I love going on adventures with my daddies to swoop up and grab our latest catch. I have lots of Daddies and that is okay because they are each special in their own way.

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They will each have their own sub categories in my snuff porn production company. One of my Daddies loves to make house calls to little skanks around my age. We watch them and figure out their schedule. We get to learn their parents schedule too. Than when we are nice and ready we wait for her parents to be gone and presto murdero bitch is getting a dick in her ass and my knife to her throat. It gives me such a rush knowing that her parents could be showing up any time and catch us too. She thinks they will as she begs like the pathetic little slut she is “Daddy, Daddy…” Stupid bitch, Daddy is here and tearing your add hole wide open while he fucks your ass with his cock and his glock. Ha Ha, My Daddy is so silly, I shall call this movie Glock on cock and it will sell well with all of my p friends. I can see the movie being such a big hit, and being a great producer, real hands on.

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