Giving thanks as I make a meal out of your family Jewels

Cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex has me being very thankful to make a meal out of your family jewels. You wouldn’t think that I could hide dick and testicle meat and a nice sweet potato pie. But I can, And I plan to have your family eating parts of you unknowingly this Thanksgiving. 

Besides we all know that you are time with your balls in your cock has come to an end. All you really need is a permanent catheter they drain the piss out and you can live along healthy life. But there are other options to just losing your balls and pieces if not all of your cock. 

Cannibalism phone sex By Harper 

I could stop at mere Castration phone sex that one be as much finest killing you. Dissecting you what the finest medical scalpels and suturing you up after I made long deep cuts. Are you still can enjoy your Thanksgiving now I will shove cranberries in your belly than sew it back up? And when that turkey is too big for your asshole I’m going to have to cut open that ass cavity.

Oh yes I could just drop at having her family eat your mutilated genitals hidden discreetly in pies and desserts. But then I went and get to play with all my fancy medical equipment. And I know how much you love my statistic Medical fetish phone sex!

Tonight we feast on your flesh and give many  thanks to the victims who get us off!

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