Girl’s Night Out

Ass rape porn

I normally love girl’s night out but when my best friend ditched me at the bar to go meet her boyfriend I was fucking pissed. I sat at the counter ordering shot after shot until I could barely see straight. That’s when you found me, just another drunk whore. It didn’t take much convincing to get me to go home with you when I couldn’t even remember my own name. As soon as you shut the door you dropped the nice guy act and slapped me hard across the face, knocking me to the ground. You dragged me to the bedroom by my hair while I kicked and screamed but it was a futile attempt. You threw me on the bed and ripped off my clothes. I was begging you to stop but you just hit me harder and pinned me down. Your rock hard cock finding my wet hole and thrusting in hard. You just cared about getting off. I guess my pussy wasn’t enough because you flipped me over and forced your thick dick into my tight little asshole. I screamed out in pain but you just pushed my face so hard into the bed I couldn’t breathe. I must’ve passed out because I woke up naked in the street with cum leaking out of my ass. You tossed me away like the worthless piece of trash I am.


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