I answered your ad for a date. Your profile was sweet with a tinge of rebellion in it. I liked your stats. Tall, built, and all around just a sexy motherfucker. We went to dinner and you were a perfect gentleman. I was unaware that when I went to use the ladies room you spiked my drink. As the night started to wind down I could feel the light heaviness in my head. I looked around and the room was spinning. I was drinking wine but I didn’t think this much. Being the gentleman you are you help me to your car and offer me your spare bed to sleep in. When you get back to your place your attitude changes. You become rough with me. Dragging me out of the car and throwing me on the bed. You rip off my clothes grabbing and pawing at my body. I mentally am fighting you off me but I can’t move a limb. I feel the cold air hit my body. I try to speak but all I do is drool and slur. You tell me you are going to fuck me for hours and when you get bored of me that is when you are going to snuff my life out. You start to kick and punch me and I can’t even defend myself. I can feel the pain everywhere and you don’t stop with your hits. My perfect gentleman turned into a sadist.