He said if I made a gangbang rape porn for him, I would get a big bag of coke. He lied. I was tied up like a side of beef. Men I had never met were ushered into the room to fuck me. To violate my ass like I was a blowup doll who could not feel pain. I felt everything because he told me I could have no coke until I preformed my whore duties. He owed these guys money. I needed coke. He said he had it, but he did not. He just took advantage of my need to get high. He worked out a deal with these men. He promised them an ass rape porn star in exchange for his debt. He took money from men for coke he never delivered. These men cannot go to the cops, so they threatened to rough him up. Men are desperate to fuck in these times, so he offered me up and they agreed a whore’s ass would settle the debt. I never knew he had no coke until the last man nutted in my swollen, prolapsed ass. I was tied up, covered in cum, piss and shit. I begged for a fix and he just laughed. He said if he had coke to give, I never would have been violated by those strangers in the first place. He blamed me for being a stupid whore. Next time, I get the coke up front. My ass was ruined for nothing and I had to endure the ordeal sober.