The gang keeps me locked in a room with nothing in it but a bare mattress on the floor. The only light came from a hole in the foil lining the window. I was completely naked with dried cum stains all over my body. Every 20-30 minutes a new gangbanger walks in with an erect cock ready to fuck. It hurt at first when the gangsters fucked me in the ass, but now I hardly flinch. Dried vomit is on my chin and chest because they force their big dicks into my throat too far. When my old man gave me to the gang I fought back by scratching and biting but they always made me regret it. At one point, I was partially blind from two black eyes so I learned to stop fighting. I give them what they want so they’ll cum fast and leave me alone. I’ve learned a special trick with my tongue that makes the thugs come really fast. Sometimes they make me smoke crack to keep me submissive. I haven’t seen real daylight in weeks, it’s like I’m in hell.