Fuck that stupid whore, who the fuck does she think she is anyway? I can’t believe she actually tried me like that! ME! Doesn’t she know I will fucking cut her? Doesn’t she realize that I am no bitch to fuck with? I guess she must not or she wouldn’t have messed with my fucking man! It’s okay though, I have her now, she’s tied up in the trunk of my car with both her fucking legs broken. We’re on our way to the woods where I am going to bury that bitch alive. I’m going to enjoy this a LOT too because I have a special box for her to be buried in. It’s all wired up with microphones to record all of her screams as she dies. She will have no idea that I can hear her, I’m gonna sit on top of her grave and rub my pussy while I listen to her dying screams, I can’t wait! I can’t think of a better way to spend an evening than to kill a stupid whore can you?