Friday the 13th Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phone sex

I am an evil accomplice phone sex whore. Hence the name. You come to me wanted a litter of slutkins to destroy with your big dick. You want to make every hole bloody and pulverized. I gladly take your down payment and bring you to my dungeon of doom. Your ears perk to the crying of caged naked girls and boys for you to choose from. A vending machine of asses and cunny if you will. You select three for the price you paid. I light the furnace and the fire under my cauldron. I help you rip them apart and murder each one. My knife still dripping with blood I walk up to you and cut your dick off. Oh, baby Don’t you know it’s a full moon and Friday the 13th? I need your rape phone sex fantasies cock to add to my potion so That I will have eternal life as a brat killer and cannibal! I laugh as you hit the ground and watch your manhood tossed in the water with brat body parts.

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