Fantasy phone sex is the best when you push the boundaries. Do you agree? Why call someone like me for your GFE fantasies when you can explore your dark needs with me as your accomplice? I am a great devil on your shoulder. I helped a guy recently fuck his girlfriend’s daughter. Last year, he called me for help on getting some young pussy. I know all the tricks. I told him to start dating women in the sex industry with young daughters. We are not choir girls in this industry. Plus, many of us have addictions too. I suggested a lot lizard working the truck stops since he is a trucker. I mean you hang out in a truck stop long enough, and a lot lizard will approach you. Most of the street hookers have addictions. They need and want saved and will do anything in return. A year later, this lot lizard lives with him. She turns a blind eye when he wants to fuck her young daughter. I helped him groom the girl. She is damaged goods anyway. She has daddy issues. She has lived in one dirty trailer after another. Now, she is in a nice house. She gets to have nice clothes. She goes to school, and she has friends. She is ripe to be her mother’s boyfriend’s teen rape porn star. Start with providing for them. Show them you care. Let them know you will always provide for them. Then let them know they need to start showing appreciation for all you have done for them. Keep mommy drugged up or liquored up. Pay her bills and care for her. She will turn a blind eye to whatever you want to do to her baby girl. Feeding her addiction and having a roof over her head will matter more than her baby girl’s virginity. I love helping men get the young pussy they crave. I was once a daddy’s girl. I know all the tricks to motivate young girls to suck your cock. You just need me as your accomplice phone sex partner.