Evil phone sex whore Stephanie

evil phone sex

Daddy B keeps teasing me with his evil phone sex fantasies. He knows that his sick fantasies fuel a deep desire of mine to torture and kill. He makes this blood thirsty whore crave his big dick when he starts talking about all of the fucked up things he wants to watch me do for him. I flick and rub my clit while we talk, getting more and more wet thinking about what I want to do. Daddy is unhappily married to a stuck up bitch that I can’t wait to snuff out one day. He jerks his hard cock to my evil ideas of beating the fuck out of her, smashing her teeth out, ripping her body apart and feeding it to him piece by piece. Talking about snuffing her out is nothing new for us but I do have a few new ideas to tease Daddy with! I’m going to break into their house in the middle of the night and wake him up by sucking his big dick while she’s still asleep right next to him. Once he wakes up and realizes that it’s me in the bed with him, gagging on his dick he won’t be able to stop me from what I’m going to do next. I’m sick of playing out these fantasies on the phone. I’m ready to snuff this bitch out for real! I want to strangle her with my rope saw while Daddy fucks me. I’ll let her stand up to run away before I loop it around her neck and snatch her back down to the bed.  I’ll be behind her with it wrapped tightly around her neck. I’ll shove my knee in her back and pull as hard as I can. Every time Daddy thrusts his huge dick in me, I’ll pull back, cutting into her throat deeper and deeper until the cord slices through her neck and cuts her head right off! Then I’ll scoop her eyes out and hold the head while Daddy fucks it like a pocket pussy. I’m going to slurp his cum from her skull and then suck the leftover brain from his dick before he fucks me again. Hurry up and call me while I have murder on my mind instead of blood on my hands.

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