Evil phone sex slut Stephanie

evil phone sex

I got a weekend rental in a new town, under a fake name and I’m ready to be an evil slut! Let’s do a torture phone sex call so that you can give me ideas on what to do to these annoying neighbors. I’m already finger fucking my slut cunt and dreaming up all of the evil things I can do to fuck someone up and mutilate them for you. I already scoped the scene and noticed the cute, little twin girls playing in the backyard unsupervised. I want you to talk me into calling them over to “play with my puppy” and then dragging them inside for a long night of the most fucked up torture imaginable! I have a wooden bat, a set of brass knuckles, plenty of knives and I’m willing to do whatever makes your dick twitch. In case you can’t tell, I have plenty of experience in bashing tiny skulls in and scooping out brain matter to jerk a hard dick with. I don’t mind slurping the blood and brain goo off of your hard fuck stick after I help you skull fuck these little bitches and scramble their brains. I don’t see them as someone’s precious angels. I see all little ones as potential victims and I chose them based on how much I think I can make them scream and cry. Wanna stroke your dick while I use my rusted pliers to yank some baby teeth out? You can be my accomplice and hand me the tools I’ll need to snip out their little tongues. I just want to get those mouths open and gummy for you to fuck. I’ll save those perfect, bald cunt for you to rip open with your cock but I call dibs on their tight, virgin assholes! I’ll fuck them up the ass with my baseball bat and use it to control them while I bounce them on your dick. I said it before and I meant it, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make you cum for me. No matter how evil and fucked up it may be…

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