I know what he wants. I know what I want. I know what we need and how great it is when we are together. The big difference is that I embrace my evil ways and walk confidently within the parameters that others find offensive and wrong. He on the other hand needs to be reassured that even though this is so wrong it is OK because it feels so right. It really doesn’t matter I am both the angel on his shoulder with the lilting voice that is soothing and calm and the devil on the other shoulder that is encouraging him to touch that young and perfect body, The one that hasn’t been tainted by puberty or thoughts of sexual gratification. I give him instructions on how to touch her, how to take her, telling him that it is a good thing that he is teaching her the ways of womanhood. Soon she will be required to satisfy a man. It is what she was born to do. But for now she is going to bring him satisfaction that she will never be able to give again, Her youth, her innocents, are going to please him in ways that can only happen once for both of them. I get to watch and enjoy the fact that I am contributing to the wicked corruption of all involved while enjoying my own special satisfaction. Our orgasms are so strong when we have these special moments together.